How do I enter and edit grades in SpeedGrader?
In SpeedGrader, you can enter grades for student submissions. Grades are automatically displayed in the Gradebook.
- SpeedGrader is generally designed for one instructor role to enter grades at a time. Because of how SpeedGrader loads and stores data in the browser, multiple users should not grade assignments at the same time since each grader cannot view the most recent information for a submission. For more details on grading limitations, please see the lesson about how to use SpeedGrader.
- When using differentiated assignments, the assignment only displays students in the student list who are part of the assignment or section.
Open SpeedGrader

Open SpeedGrader from any assignment, graded discussion, or quiz.
Grade Submission

Scores are entered according to the assignment's Display Grade setting [1]. Scores can be entered as one of five options: points, complete/incomplete, letter grade, percentage, and GPA.
If a rubric is attached to the assignment, you can view the rubric by clicking the View Rubric button [2]. If your rubric is set up for grading, the Grade field will automatically populate with the rubric grade results.
Enter Points Grade

To enter a points grade, enter the number of points in the grade field.
Enter Complete or Incomplete Grade

To enter a complete or incomplete grade, click the Grade drop-down menu [1] and select the desired option [2].
Enter Letter Grade

To enter a letter grade, enter the letter in the grade field.
Enter Percentage Grade

To enter a percentage grade, enter the percent in the grade field.
Enter GPA Grade

To enter a GPA grade, enter the number which corresponds to the GPA scale defined by the grading scheme in the grade field.
View Excessive Points Alert
If an excessive amount of points is added to a student's grade, Canvas will generate an alert notifying that the student was awarded an unusually high grade. You can either keep or correct the point value.
Excessive points can occur in the following situations:
- The amount entered is 50% above the total points possible
- An extra digit is entered (e.g. 500 instead of 50)
- Negative points are entered
Edit Grade

To edit an existing score, click the grade field and enter the new grade.
Delete Grade

To manually delete a grade, click the grade field and click the delete key.
View Deleted Grade

View the deleted grade and the ungraded submission.