How do I manage themes for an account?

Each Canvas account displays a default Canvas theme. As an admin, you can create and manage themes using Canvas templates, or you can create a theme specifically designed for your institution.

Custom branding is hosted at the account level, and by default, sub-accounts and their associated courses inherit account branding. However, you can choose to allow sub-accounts to use the Theme Editor to create their own custom themes. When the Theme Editor is enabled for sub-accounts, any design elements they do not specifically change will inherit the account level design.


  • If you are a sub-account admin and the Themes link is not visible in Account Navigation, Themes has not been enabled for sub-accounts.
  • By default, consortium child accounts inherit the theme applied in the parent account. However, a consortium child account can create a new theme for the child account.
  • If you want to apply additional branding that is currently not supported in the Theme Editor, you can upload custom cascading style sheets (CSS) and JavaScript (JS) files to your account.

Open Account

Open Account

In Global Navigation, click the Admin link [1], then click the name of the account [2].

Open Themes

Open Theme Editor

In Account Navigation, click the Themes link.

Note: If sub-account themes have been enabled, each sub-account also includes a Themes link. To open the Theme Editor for a sub-account, click the Sub-Accounts link to locate and open the sub-account, then click the sub-account's Themes link.

View Theme Sections

View Theme Sections

The Themes page displays all available templates and saved themes for your institution.

All default themes for Canvas display in the Templates section [1]. Default templates are used as a starting point for admins to create their own themes and cannot be deleted.

Once a theme is saved in the account, the page displays the My Themes section [2]. My Themes shows all themes saved for the account.

Open Theme

Open Theme

To open and view any theme, hover over the theme and click the Open in Theme Editor button.

Create Theme

Create Theme

To create a theme, open and modify your preferred template [1], or click the Add Theme button [2]. You can also create a theme based on a saved template.

View Current Theme

View Current Theme

Once a theme is applied to the account, the theme is marked as the current theme. The current theme includes a green bar and check mark icon below the name of the theme. If an account includes multiple saved themes, the active theme is ordered first.

To apply a different theme, open and apply any other saved theme or create a new theme for the account.

View Multiple Active Themes

View Multiple Active Themes

If multiple themes display an information icon [1], each theme includes the same set of values that are being applied as the current theme. To delete one of the themes, locate the theme and click the Delete icon.

Delete Theme

Delete Theme

To delete a saved theme, click the Delete icon.

Note: The current theme cannot be deleted. To delete the current theme, open and apply any other saved theme or create a new theme for the account.