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  • You can use the Content Selector to insert and upload course images into the Rich Content Editor. The Rich Content Editor is used in features that support the editor (Announcements, Assignments, Discussions, Pages, Quizzes, or Syllabus).


    • If you do not need to upload images, you can embed images using the Rich Content Editor Embed Image functionality.
    • In Pages and the Syllabus, the Content Selector sidebar includes visual style updates and content section pagination. However, the overall functionality of the Content Selector throughout Canvas is the same.
  • You can use the Rich Content Editor to embed images from Flickr Creative Commons. You can also add alt tags to your images for better accessibility.

    The Rich Content Editor is used in features that support the editor (Announcements, Assignments, Discussions, Pages, Quizzes, or Syllabus). If a change is made to the source of your image after it has been embedded, the image you have added to the Rich Content Editor will not be changed.

    Note: Although an image may appear in the Flickr Creative Commons, not all images have the same license. Some Flickr images require an attribution to appear within the image. You may want to confirm the image copyright before using it in your course. Click the image to view it directly on Flickr.  

  • You can embed images from your personal files in Canvas into the Rich Content Editor. You can also add alt tags to your images for better accessibility.

    You can only embed images that have been previously uploaded to your personal or course files. However, as an instructor, you have the option to upload images to your course files using the content selector. If a change is made to the image in your personal files after it has been embedded, the image you have added to the Rich Content Editor will not be changed.

  • YouTube videos are automatically embedded in any feature that uses the Rich Content Editor. This lesson applies to the Announcements, Assignments, Discussions, Pages, Quizzes, and Syllabus features.

    There are three different ways to link a YouTube video, depending on what you want it to look like:

    1. Insert Link into the Rich Content Editor (full link with embedded video)
    2. Insert Link with the Chain Icon (shortened link with optional embedded video)
    3. Hyperlink existing text (selected text becomes the link)
  • Using Assignment Groups allows you to organize the assignments in your course.

  • If you want to set a default grade for a certain assignment, use the assignment drop-down menu. This will allow you to input scores for students who do not have scores or to overwrite already entered scores.

    Note: When Multiple Grading Periods are enabled in a course, you cannot set a default grade for any assignment that has at least one student in a closed grading period.

  • You can view all replies in a discussion by scrolling or searching content. Focused discussion replies are shown in hierarchal order; threaded discussions are hierarchal, collapsable, and expandable.