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  • When creating or managing a catalog, you can create custom user defined fields. These fields allow you to customize your user registration beyond the default fields of Full Name and Email. Information in user defined fields can only be collected as part of new user registrations; the fields do not display when existing users enroll in a course.

    Any user defined fields in the parent catalog can automatically apply to subcatalogs. However, you can choose to create your own custom user defined fields for a subcatalog.

    Note: In subcatalogs, you cannot add a new field if the subcatalog is inheriting user defined fields from another catalog.

    Manual Catalog Guide
  • You can view quiz results on your mobile device.

    The images in this lesson are shown for a phone display, but unless otherwise noted, tablet displays mirror the same steps.

    Note: Instructors have the option to restrict quiz results from students.

  • Canvas lets you access the Syllabus and course assignment list from your mobile device.

    The images in this lesson are shown for a phone display, but unless otherwise noted, tablet displays mirror the same steps.

    Note: The Course Navigation menu matches the browser version of your Canvas course. If the Syllabus is not available in Course Navigation, it will be hidden from view in the app. You can always access Syllabus information in the Notifications link.

  • You can take a quiz on your mobile device.

    This lesson shows native quiz viewing in the Canvas app. If your quiz contains Essay, Multiple Choice, Multiple Answer, Multiple Dropdown, Numerical Answer, Fill in the Blank, File Upload, or True/False questions, you can view the quiz questions natively for an enhanced user experience.

    Any quizzes that do not contain supported question types will be redirected to the web version of Canvas. Additionally, currently the app does not support one-question-at-a-time quizzes, quizzes with passcode restrictions, or quizzes with IP address restrictions.

    For instructors, all quizzes are displayed in the web version of Canvas.

    You can easily skip to another question or flag a question in the app. For timed quizzes, the app allows you to turn the timer on and off.

    When you are finished, you may be able to view your quiz results in the browser version of Canvas.

    The images in this lesson are shown for a phone display, but unless otherwise noted, tablet displays mirror the same steps.

    Note: The Course Navigation menu matches the browser version of your Canvas course. If you are a student and Quizzes is not available in Course Navigation, it will also be hidden from view in the app.

  • You can take a quiz on your mobile device.

    This lesson shows native quiz viewing in the Canvas app. If your quiz contains Essay, Multiple Choice, Multiple Answer, Multiple Dropdown, File Upload, Fill in the Blank, Matching, Numeric, or True/False questions, you can view the quiz questions natively for an enhanced user experience.

    Any quizzes that do not contain supported question types will be redirected to the web version of Canvas. Additionally, currently the app does not support one-question-at-a-time quizzes, quizzes with passcode restrictions, or quizzes with IP address restrictions.

    You can easily skip to another question or flag a question in the app. For timed quizzes, the app allows you to turn the timer on and off.

    When you are finished, you may be able to view your quiz results in the browser version of Canvas.

    The images in this lesson are shown for a phone display, but unless otherwise noted, tablet displays mirror the same steps.

    Note: The Course Navigation menu matches the browser version of your Canvas course. If you are a student and Quizzes is not available in Course Navigation, it will also be hidden from view in the app.