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  • Updated on: Apr 20, 2024

    How do I view group files as a student?

    As a student, you may be added to a group within your course. Groups files include any content uploaded to your group workspace.

    Group files include uploaded assignment submissions and other group-related files uploaded to your group storage area. By default, each group has 50 MB of storage space in Canvas. All published files can be viewed by all group members.

    Group files are automatically published when they are uploaded to the group. However, if the group requires you to set a usage right, the file will remain unpublished until a usage right is set for the file.

    As groups are essentially mini courses, all group members have the same permissions to moderate files, including uploading files, publishing files, restricting access and unpublishing files, and deleting files.

  • Canvas can upload specific image, video, and audio files as user content. 

    Canvas converts video and audio files up to 500 MB through the media tool. If a file exceeds the 500 MB limit, you can host the file through an external source such as YouTube and embed it using the Rich Content Editor. To learn more about available options for using media files in Canvas, view the Canvas Media Comparison PDF.

    Canvas files have quota limits set for user (personal) files and group files. Files uploaded directly to your user files or group files count against each specific quota, except for uploading a profile picture. Any attachments added as part of a graded assignment submission are uploaded into user files but are not counted against the user quota.

    When you upload a file, Canvas will convert the file into a format supported by your browser. Media playback is determined according to browser, so if you cannot view the file, you may need to try to view the file in another browser. You may also need to enable or update the Adobe Flash plugin.

  • Updated on: Apr 20, 2024

    How do I leave a group as a student?

    If you are able to join a group in your course, you can leave the group at any time. You cannot leave groups that are not self sign-up groups.

    When a course is concluded, all associated groups will be shown as previous groups in your groups list.

  • A grading scheme is a set of criteria that measures varying levels of achievement in a course. Course-level grading schemes are grading schemes that can be defined at both the course level and the assignment level. Without a grading scheme, scores are not measured against any specific standard.

    You can enable a grading scheme created by your institution, or you can add a new grading scheme specific to your course.

    View a video about Grading Schemes.

  • You can enable an existing grading scheme for your course by editing your Course Settings. If you need to change your course grading scheme at any time, you can manage the grading schemes and find a new scheme.

    If you want to disable grading schemes for your entire course, you can deselect the grading scheme checkbox in Course Settings and your course will no longer be associated with a grading scheme. If you choose to use a grading scheme at a later time, you will have to re-enable a grading scheme.


    • In a course export, the enabled course grading scheme is copied as the default grading scheme.
    • Using an account-level grading scheme built by your institution links the scheme into your course—it does not import as a new scheme on the course level. If you have permission to manage grading schemes, note that modifying the account scheme in your course will also modify it for the entire institution.
  • Updated on: Apr 20, 2024

    What are grading schemes?

    A grading scheme is a set of criteria that measures varying levels of achievement in a course. Account-level grading schemes are grading schemes that can be defined at the account or sub-account level for the entire institution. On a course level, instructors can apply grading schemes to both students' final grades and individual assignments. Without a grading scheme, scores are not measured against any specific standard.

    View a video about Grading Schemes.


    • Account-level grading schemes automatically appear within all courses in the account. When an instructor links a grading scheme created at the account level, the grading scheme is linked, not imported, as a new scheme on the course level. Grading schemes imported from the account level can only be modified by users with grading scheme permissions.
    • Grading schemes created at the account level automatically appear on the sub-account level.
  • If your course includes Multiple Grading Periods, grading periods created at the account level automatically display in your course and can be filtered in the Assignments Index Page, the Gradebook, and the student Grades page.

    Grading periods consist of a specific date range that define the grading period. Grading periods also include a close date as to when you can no longer edit grades in a grading period. Grading periods can also be weighted. To view grading period date ranges and any weighted grading periods, you can view the grading periods in a course.

    At the course level, Canvas validates all assignments against closed grading periods in Canvas. For a complete overview of the Multiple Grading Periods feature and current limitations associated with close dates, please view the Close Dates for Grading Periods document in the Canvas Community.

  • You can add a grading scheme to an assignment. You can use search for grading schemes created by your institution or you can create a new grading scheme.


    • When an assignment is part of selected content in a course export, the grading scheme for the assignment will also be imported.
    • Using an account-level grading scheme built by your institution links the scheme into your course—it does not import as a new scheme on the course level.