How do I create a new page in a course?
As an instructor, you can create a new page to add to your course.
When creating pages, you can set page permissions as to who can edit the page: instructors (teachers), instructors and students, or anyone. You can also add a page to student To Do lists.
Open Pages

In Course Navigation, click the Pages link.
View Pages
Pages is designed to open to the front page for the course, if there is a front page selected. To select a page from the Pages Index, click the View All Pages button.
Add Page

Click the Add Page button.
Add Content
Enter a name for your page [1].
Add links, files, images, and other content using the Rich Content Editor [2]. The Rich Content Editor includes a word count display below the bottom right corner of the text box.
Edit Page Settings
You can decide who can edit the page by clicking the Users allowed to edit this page drop-down menu [1]. Options include only teachers, teachers and students, or anyone. The Anyone option only applies to users who are enrolled in the course.
You can add the page to the student to-do list by clicking the Add to student to-do checkbox [2]. When you add a page to the student to-do, the to-do displays in the student's to-do list as well as the in the course calendar and students' course sidebar To Do list.
You can schedule when a page will be published. Enter a date and time in the Publish At field [3]. Your page must be unpublished to schedule a publication date.
To assign specific sections or users for your page, set Availability dates for it, or assign it to Mastery Paths, click the Assign To field [4].
You can also notify users that content has changed by clicking the Notify users that this content has changed checkbox [5].
Note: If a users Course Content notification is turned off they are not notified of page updates.
Select Assignees

To change the assignees, click the Assign To field [1]. Then, select one or more assignees. You can assign to everyone, everyone else, a course section [2], an individual student [3], or to Mastery Paths.
Find Student or Section

To find a student or section more easily, enter a few letters of the name [1] and select the name from a filtered list [2].
To remove an assignee, click the assignee Remove icon [3].
Enter Availability Dates

By default, students can access the page at any time during the course or section dates. However, to provide specific dates and times for the page to be available, enter dates and/or times in the Available from [1] and Until areas [2].
- Before the Available From date and after the Until date, students can only view the page title. The content contained on the page will be locked for students.
- Canvas displays the time zone date and time according to context [3]. If you manage courses in a time zone other than your local time zone and create or edit an availability date for a page, the course and local times are displayed for reference.
Set Dates and Times

To set dates, enter a date in Available from or Until field [1]. Or, click the field and select a date from the calendar [2].
To set times, enter a time or click the Time drop-down menu and select a time [3].
- To remove date and time selections, click the Clear link [4].
- In the calendar, the current date displays in a blue circle [5].
Add Additional Assignment Details

To assign to other students or sections with different dates and times, click the Add button. Then, enter additional assignees and availability dates.
Save Details

To save the page assignment details, click the Save button.
Save and Publish

If you are ready to publish your page, click the Save & Publish button [1]. If you want to create a draft of your page, click the Save button [2].
Note: If you try to navigate away from a page without saving, you will generate a pop-up warning.

When your page is saved in a draft state, you can return to the page and publish it at any time by clicking the Publish button [1]. The button will change from gray to green [2].
View Scheduled Page Publication

When your page is saved for scheduled publication, you can return to the page and manage the publishing of it at any time by clicking the Will publish on... button [1].
You can choose between publishing the page, unpublishing the page, or scheduling the page for publication options and then click the OK button [2].
View Page

View the page you created.