How do I align an outcome with a question bank?
You can align any outcome in your course to a question bank. Outcomes can be aligned with a question bank for additional assessment and measurable performance.
To align an outcome, the outcome must already exist for your course. You can align outcomes created at the account level, or learn how to create course outcomes.
The Learning Mastery Gradebook mastery score for an aligned outcome calculates based only on questions from the aligned question bank in a quiz. The mastery score is calculated by weighing the percentage score of correct answers from the question bank against the mastery score set when aligning the question bank to the outcome. For example, if the outcome is set to mastery at 60%, a student must score 60% or higher in order to master the outcome.
Open Quizzes

In Course Navigation, click the Quizzes link.
Select Question Bank

Click the title of the Question Bank to be aligned with the Outcome.
Align Outcome

Click the Align Outcome button.
Find Outcome
Choose the Outcome from the listed Outcomes [1]. Set the mastery level by typing in the percent field [2]. The mastery level is the percentage score that a student has to earn before you consider the student to have mastered the outcome. For example, a mastery score of 60 means that the student has to earn a 60% or higher on the aligned quiz questions. This score is only calculated using questions from the aligned question bank.
Click the Import button to align the Outcome with the Question Bank [3].
View Aligned Outcomes

View the aligned Outcome in your quiz.