How do I delete a quiz?
You can delete quizzes from your course.
- Deleting a quiz will remove it completely from your course. If you would rather hide the quiz or make it inaccessible to submissions, you can lock the quiz or modify the access dates. If the quiz has no student submissions, you can unpublish the quiz.
- When Multiple Grading Periods are enabled in a course, you cannot delete individual quizzes for any student, group, or section in a closed grading period.
Open Quizzes

In Course Navigation, click the Quizzes link.
Select Quiz

If you are editing the settings of an existing quiz, click the quiz title to open the quiz [1]. If you want to delete the entire quiz, click the Options icon [2], then click Delete.
Delete Quiz

You can also visit the quiz page, click the Options icon [1], and select the Delete link [2].
Confirm Deletion

A pop-up window will appear in your browser. Click OK to delete the quiz or Cancel to edit your quiz in another manner.
Note: Deleting a quiz will remove it completely from your course. If you would rather hide the quiz or make it inaccessible to submissions, you can lock the quiz or modify the access dates. If the quiz has no student submissions, you can unpublish the quiz.