Can a student resubmit Canvas assignments?
Depending on your assignment settings, students may have unlimited or limited assignment submission attempts. As an instructor, you can decide how to handle assignment resubmissions.
You do have the option to set availability dates for each assignment. Availability dates can restrict the dates that an assignment can be submitted.
All assignment submissions can be viewed in SpeedGrader. Students will not be able to view their previous submissions after resubmitting unless you reupload the assignments to Canvas.
Note: The option to resubmit an assignment may not be available for external tool assignments.
Select Submission Attempts

You can select the number of submission attempts allowed for all students. In the Allowed Attempts drop-down menu [1], you can select if students receive unlimited submissions [2] or limited submissions [3].
If you select the Limited attempts option, you can select the amount of attempts allowed in the Number of Attempts field [4].
Set Assignment Availability Dates

If you want to keep students from resubmitting assignments after a certain date, you can change the Assignment availability dates. Next to the date you want to change, click the Calendar icon.
Set Date

Set the assignment availability date and time by selecting a date [1] and time [2].
Save Assignment

Click the Save button.
Student View for Resubmit Assignment

If a student can resubmit an assignment, the New Attempt button displays in the assignment page [1].
If a student has used all their submission attempts, the New Attempt button will display as disabled [2].
View Assignments in SpeedGrader

Open the student's Assignment in SpeedGrader. When a student has submitted multiple submissions, you can view them by clicking the Submission to view drop-down menu.
Select Submission

Select the submission you'd like to view.
Viewing Older Submissions

If you view an older submission, Canvas will warn you that the submission you are viewing is not the most recent version.
Regrading Assignments

If you have already graded an assignment that a student has resubmitted, you have the option of using the same grade for the resubmission without doing any additional work. To apply the same grade to the new assignment, click the Use this same grade for the resubmission link.