How do I know if I have a peer review assignment to complete?
Your instructor can assign you to review another student's assignment. You can view peer review notifications in Canvas in the Recent Activity Stream, the To Do list, and from the individual assignment page. Once peer reviews are assigned, you will also be notified via email.
Note: If the assignment you are accessing displays differently, Assignment Enhancements may be enabled in your course by your instructor.
View Dashboard
Once a peer review is assigned to you, a notification displays in several dashboard areas.
View Recent Activity
In the Dashboard, you can view recent activity in your Global Activity stream . Recent activity display a peer review and the name of the course [1]. Click the Show More link to access the assignment and view the name of the peer review student [2].
If a peer review is anonymous, the name displays as Anonymous User.
View To Do List

In both the Dashboard and the Course Home Page sidebar, the To Do list shows the peer review assignment. Peer reviews are identified with the Peer Review icon. To view the assignment for review, click the Peer Review for [Assignment Name] link.
Note: Currently the Due Date in the To Do List does not accurately display the due date for completing your peer review. If details about your peer review are not already included in the details of your assignment, please contact your instructor.
Open Assignments

You can also view peer reviews when viewing assignments. In Course Navigation, click the Assignments link.
Note: You can also access your Assignments through your Dashboard, Course Activity Stream, the Syllabus, Gradebook, Calendar, or Modules.
Open Assignment
In the Assignment Index page, you can view any peer reviews assigned to you. To open the peer review, click the Required Peer Review link [1].
You can see the name of the student whose assignment you are reviewing [2]. If your peer review is anonymous, the student's name displays as Anonymous Student.
Note: If your instructor has assigned an On Paper or No Submission assignment, the assigned peer review does not display on this page. However, you can still view it from the Dashboard.
View Assigned Peer Review

In the sidebar under Assigned Peer Reviews, you can view any peer reviews assigned to you. The caution sign icon indicates the peer review has not been completed [1]. A check mark icon indicates that you have completed the peer review [2].
If your peer review is anonymous, you cannot see the name of the student. The peer review displays as Anonymous User.
- If your instructor includes a rubric, which is a pre-determined outline of how an assignment is graded, you must assign a grade using the rubric. However, your instructor may also ask you to leave a comment in the comment sidebar.
- If your instructor has assigned an On Paper or No Submission assignment, the assigned peer review does not display on this page. However, you can still view it from the Dashboard.