How do I create a course discussion as a student?
You may be able to create new discussions in your course. These discussions are part of the course and are separate from creating a discussion in a group.
- If the Add Discussion button does not display, your instructor has restricted this setting in your course. However, this setting does not affect discussions in course groups.
- If you are unable to Assign the Discussion, this is because of restrictions on your enrollment in the course. You can still post the Discussion to all users in the course.
- If you add a file to your discussion, it will be stored in course files in the unfiled folder.
Open Discussions

In Course Navigation, click the Discussions link.
Add Discussion

Click the Add Discussion button.
Create Discussion

Enter a discussion title in the Topic Title field [1].
Add discussion content using the Rich Content Editor [2].
You can also attach files to your discussion [3].
Set Discussion Options

To force user to reply to the topic before viewing replies from others, click the Participants must respond to the topic before viewing other replies checkbox [1].
To allow users to like discussion replies, click the Allow liking checkbox [2].
Assign Discussion

By default, all sections and students in your course can view and participate in the discussion. To specify specific sections or users for your discussion, click the Manage Assign To link [1]. Enter assignees in the Assign To area [2].
Select Assignees

To change the assignees, click the Assign To field [1]. Then, select one or more assignees. You can assign to everyone, everyone else, a course section [2], or an individual student [3].
Find Student or Section

To find a student or section more easily, enter a few letters of the name [1] and select the name from a filtered list [2].
To remove an assignee, click the assignee Remove icon [3].
Enter Availability Dates

By default, classmates can access the discussion at any time during the course or section dates. However, to provide specific dates and times for the discussion to be available, enter dates and/or times in the Available from [1] and Until areas [2].
Set Dates and Times

To set dates, enter a date in Available from or Until field [1]. Or click the field and select a date from the calendar [2].
To set times, enter a time or click the Time drop-down menu and select a time [3].
- To remove date and time selections, click the Clear link [4].
- In the calendar, the current date displays in a blue circle [5].
Add Additional Assignment Details

To assign to other students or sections with different dates and times, click the Add button. Then, enter additional assignees and availability dates.
Apply Details

To save the discussion assignment details, click the Apply button.
Save Discussion

The Pending Changes label displays [1].
To save the assignment details, click the Save button [2].