Search Results
How do I view my Learning Mastery scores in the Grades page?
Updated on: Jan 17, 2020
Learning Mastery scores are used by your instructor to measure performance based on classroom standards, or outcomes. Outcome scores may be tied to assignments and other items throughout Canvas. If... -
How do I view a student's Grades page in a course from the Gradebook?
Updated on: Jan 17, 2025
As an instructor, you can access the Grades page for a student in your course. This Grades page shows you how a student views his or her grades in the course and also allows you to add individual... -
How do I view details for a Canvas Veracross grade sync as an instructor?
Updated on: Apr 18, 2023
As an instructor, you can view details about grade syncs from your Canvas course to your SIS in the Grade Sync page. The grade sync history list displays data for each automatic sync initiated by... -
How do I view details for a Canvas Aeries grade sync as an instructor?
Updated on: Jun 03, 2022
As an instructor, you can view details about grade syncs from your Canvas course to Aeries in the Grade Sync page. The grade sync history list displays data for each automatic sync initiated by... -
How do I automate course grade sync from Canvas to my Focus gradebook?
Updated on: Nov 18, 2022
As an instructor, you can enable an automatic nightly grade sync from your Canvas gradebook to your Focus gradebook. After you enable a nightly grade sync for a course, grade passback occurs... -
How do I use a grade sync details page as an instructor?
Updated on: Nov 18, 2022
As an instructor, you can view details about grade syncs from Canvas to eSchoolPlus in the Grade Sync page. From the grade sync history list, you can open sync details for any sync in the sync... -
How do I import grades in the Gradebook?
Updated on: Jan 29, 2025
You can use a CSV file to upload changes to the Gradebook. You can upload information for existing assignments, or you can also use a CSV file to create new assignments in the Gradebook. New... -
How do I set up a graded discussion to be sent to my institution's student information system (SIS)?
If your institution has configured an integration between their student information system (SIS ) and Canvas, your graded course items may be set to sync to your SIS gradebook by default. However,... -
How do I sync grades from Canvas to the PowerSchool gradebook?
Updated on: Jun 06, 2023
As an instructor, you can request a grade sync from your Canvas gradebook to your PowerSchool gradebook. Before syncing your grades, verify that you have properly named your Canvas assignment... -
How do I view details for a Canvas Skyward grade sync as an instructor?
Updated on: Jun 03, 2022
As an instructor, you can view details about grade syncs from your Canvas course to Skyward in the Grade Sync page. The grade sync history list displays data for each automatic sync initiated by...