OneRoster Grade Passback (GPB)
The information below outlines how to pass graded Canvas assignments (including quizzes and graded discussions) back to your Student Information System (SIS). Syncing grades from Canvas to your SIS is called Grade Passback, or GPB.
This guide includes three parts:
- Part I - How do I align Canvas assignment groups with SIS Categories?
- Part II - How do I set up an assignment to be sent to my SIS?
- Part III - How do I sync grades from Canvas to my SIS gradebook?
Part I - How do I align Canvas assignment groups with SIS Categories?
Before using GPB, your Canvas assignment group names must align to the grading categories in your SIS gradebook.
- Establish grading categories in your SIS; refer to your SIS documentation. For example, if you are using PowerSchool, click the A+ Grading icon on the left-side menu. Then, to edit categories, click the Pencil icon. To create new categories, click the Plus Sign. Re-order the categories as needed.
- Create Canvas assignment groups. Learn how to create Canvas assignment groups.
- Sync SIS categories to your Canvas assignment groups. Learn how to sync Canvas assignment groups to SIS grading categories.
- For some SIS providers such as PowerSchool, you can only sync after the term begins.
- For some SIS providers, you can also align Canvas assignment groups by matching the names of your groups and the names of your SIS categories. However, current best practice is to sync Canvas assignment groups to SIS grading categories.
Part II - How do I set up an assignment to be sent to my SIS?
You can set up a graded assignment, quiz, or graded discussion to be sent to your SIS.
Open Assignments

In Course Navigation, click the Assignments link [1].
Note: You can work with discussions or quizzes by clicking the Discussions link [2] or the Quizzes link [3].
Add Assignment

To create a new assignment, click the Add Assignment button.
Edit Assignment

To edit an existing assignment, click the name of the assignment [1] and then click the Edit button [2].
Sync to SIS

In the assignment details, click the Sync to SIS checkbox.
- The Sync to SIS checkbox label may display the name of your institution's SIS.
- To exclude an assignment from SIS sync, de-select the Sync to SIS checkbox.
- The Sync to SIS checkbox also displays on quizzes and graded discussions details pages.
- The Sync to SIS checkbox does not display for non-graded assignment types.

Note: You can also enable Sync to SIS directly on the Assignments page by clicking the Sync to SIS disabled icon.
Save Assignment

To save the assignment as a draft, click the Save button [1].
To save the assignment and publish it, click the Save & Publish button [2].
View Assignment Errors

If you cannot save your assignment and you receive an error message, your institution may limit assignment names and/or require due dates. View issues that need to be resolved before the assignment can synced to your SIS. Correct the error and save the assignment again.
Part III - How do I sync grades from Canvas to my SIS gradebook?
As an instructor, you can request a grade sync from your Canvas gradebook to your SIS gradebook. Before syncing your grades, verify that you have properly named your Canvas assignment groups for SIS GPB. You must also set up assignments for SIS sync. For details, review your SIS guide instructions.
By default, all your assignments that are marked as Sync to SIS grades will be selected to pass back to your SIS. However, if you want only selected assignments to pass to your SIS, you can deselect assignments.
Open Grades

In Course Navigation, click the Grades link.
Open Sync to SIS

In the course Gradebook, click the Actions menu [1]. Then select the Sync to SIS option [2].
Post Grades

From the Sync Grades modal you can review and modify the assignments and grades included in your grade sync request.
By default, all course sections are selected for grade sync. To filter the grade sync by section, click the Filter by section drop-down menu [1], then select the sections you want to sync.
View a list of all assignments set up for SIS sync, including the assignment name [2], due date [3], and last sync date [4]. To sort the list by ascending or descending name or date order, click the header Sort icon [5].
By default, all assignments are selected for SIS sync. To deselect an assignment, click the assignment checkbox [6]. Alternatively, you can deselect all assignments by clicking the Assignment Name checkbox [7]. Deselected assignments are not included in the SIS sync.
To sync grades, click the Post Grades button [8].
View Sync Progress

After you post grades, a window indicates that the sync is scheduled.
You can view sync progress in the Grade Sync page of your Canvas course. To open the Grade Sync page, click the Click to see progress link.
View Grade Sync History
By default, the Grade Sync page displays the History tab [1].
To refresh the page to view in-progress or recently completed syncs, click the Refresh button [2].
Your recent grade syncs from Canvas to your SIS display in the Grade Sync History list [3]. The list displays up to the ten most recent syncs. To view additional syncs, use the page navigation icons [4].
For each recent grade sync, you can view when you started the sync to your SIS, what stage (out of five) that the process is in, its completion status, as well as how many assignments you sent at a time.
Sync Updates

A single score in Canvas is only sent back once during the grade passback process. Updates to submission status (none, late, missing, or excused) will not mark the grade/score to be resent to your SIS.
To resend a score with a new submission status to your gradebook, update the score of the assignment in Canvas and manually run a sync to SIS.
Alternatively, you can trigger a Remaster Grade Passback event. In the Grade Sync page, click the Settings tab [1]. To resend scores, submission statuses, and assignment details (for graded assignments marked as Sync to SIS) to your SIS, click the Remaster Grade Passback button [2].