How do I view Canvas Veracross grade sync statistics for my institution?
As an admin, you can view statistics for grade syncs from Canvas to your SIS in the SIS Integration page. You can view statistics for daily and weekly syncs, including information about the total number of assignments and grades sent and updated to your SIS as well as information about the number of failed updates. The Statistics page also displays graphs that illustrate sync frequency for daily and weekly syncs.
Open Account

In Global Navigation, click the Admin link [1], then click the name of the account [2].
Open SIS Integration

In the Account Navigation menu, click the SIS Integration link.
Open Statistics

In the SIS Integration page, click the Statistics tab.
View Grade Sync Statistics

The Statistics page displays your institution's Grade Sync statistics [1].
By default, Daily statistics display [2], including a Timeline graph [3] and Totals data [4].
View Daily Timeline

The daily Timeline graph illustrates the number of grade syncs run during the current 24-hour period [1].
Each bar in the graph represents the number of syncs that occurred during the specified one-hour range. Hover over a bar in the graph to view hour and sync number details [2].
By default, the graph displays all successful syncs [3].
Filter Daily Timeline

You can filter the Timeline graph to display syncs by type and outcome. Click the Filter by drop-down menu [1].
To display data for all sync items, use the Syncs filter options [2].
- Successful Syncs [3]: view only the count for successful syncs from within the last 24-hour period.
- Syncs with Warning [4]: view the sync count for syncs that completed with some errors from within the last 24-hour period.
- Failed Syncs [5]: view only the count for failed syncs from within the last 24-hour period.
To view sync counts for assignments or grades, use the Assignments [6] and Grades [7] filter options.
- Updated [8]: view only the count for assignments or grades successfully updated from within the last 24-hour period.
- Failed [9]: view only the count for failed assignments or grades syncs from within the last 24-hour period.
View Daily Totals

Daily Totals displays Syncs statistics [1], including counts for successful syncs [2], syncs with warnings [3], and failed syncs [4].
You can also view assignments and grades sync statistics [5] including the total number of items sent to your SIS within the last 24-hour period [6], the total number of items successfully updated in the SIS [7], and the number of items that failed to sync within the last 24-hour period [8].
Open Weekly Grade Sync Statistics

You can also view statistics for the past seven-day period. Click the Weekly tab.
View Weekly Grade Sync Statistics

Weekly statistics display a Timeline graph that illustrates the total number of syncs run for each day in the last seven-day period [1]. Filter the graph results to display syncs by outcome using the Filter by drop-down menu [2].
You can also view Sync Totals for all syncs, assignments, and grades synced from Canvas to your SIS within the last seven days [3].