How do I add a Calendar To-Do List item or Event in the Student app on my Android device?
You can create a new calendar item in the Canvas Student app. Calendar items are for your own personal use. You can also edit or delete your created to-do list items and events.
The images in this lesson are for adding a new to-do item, unless otherwise noted.
The images in this lesson are shown for a phone display, but unless otherwise noted, tablet displays mirror the same steps.
Open Calendar

In the Dashboard, tap the Calendar icon.
Add Item

Tap the Add icon.
Add To-Do Item or Event

To add a to-do item, tap the Add To Do icon [1].
To add an event, tap the Add Event icon [2].
Add Title

Enter a title for your to-do item or event.
Select Date and Time

By default, the current date is selected for your to-do item.
To select a different date, tap the Date field [1].
To select a different time, tap the Time field [2].
Update Date

Select the date when you want the to-do item or event to display on your calendar. Then tap the OK link.
Update Time

Select the time when you want the to-do item or event to display on your calendar. Then tap the OK link.
Select Calendar

To-Do items and Events default to your personal calendar.
If you want to associate the To-Do item or Event with a different calendar, tap the Calendar link [1] and select the course or group [2].
Add Details

In the Details field, enter the details for your to-do item or event.
Add Event Details

If you are adding a new event, you can also add the frequency [1], location [2], and address [3].
Save Item

Tap the Save link.
View Item

View your item in the Calendar.
Note: Currently To-Do items created in the app only display in the Calendar; items will display in the To-Do list in a future update.
Edit or Delete Item

To edit or delete the to-do item or event, click the Options icon [1]. Then click the Edit link [2] or Delete link [3].