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  • Here you will learn how to connect to the Skype web service in Canvas. This integration allows you to send friend requests to other users in your course who have also connected to Skype. It will not allow you to use Skype directly in Canvas.

  • The Google Drive web service allows you to integrate Canvas with your Google Drive account. All users can authorize their Google Drive accounts for access to Google collaborations and assignment uploads.

    If you need to create a new Google Drive account, please note that you may experience a delay with the Google integration in Canvas until Google has fully completed the account process.

    Note: For any of your courses, if the Course Navigation Menu includes a Google Drive link, your institution has enabled a global Google Drive integration. You do not need to enable Google Drive as a web service.

  • Canvas is integrated with a number of third party web services. Most of these services can be configured from the user settings page.

  • Here you will learn how to connect to the Skype web service in Canvas. This integration allows you to send friend requests to other users in your course who have also connected to Skype. It will not allow you to use Skype directly in Canvas.

  • The Google Drive web service allows you to integrate Canvas with your Google Drive account. All users can authorize their Google Drive accounts for access to Google collaborations and assignment uploads.

    If you need to create a new Google Drive account, please note that you may experience a delay with the Google integration in Canvas until Google has fully completed the account process.

    Note: For any of your courses, if the Course Navigation Menu includes a Google Drive link, your institution or instructor has enabled a global Google Drive integration. You do not need to enable Google Drive as a web service.

  • Canvas is integrated with a number of third party web services. Most of these services can be configured from the user settings page.

  • You can choose to grade manually graded quiz questions for all students at the same time. Manually graded questions include essay and file upload questions.


    • Grading one question at a time is only available for quizzes.
    • Quizzes that pull questions from a question bank will shuffle the order of questions for each student. Question order for each submission may vary within SpeedGrader.
  • Updated on: Apr 11, 2023

    What are the User Groups within Impact?

    Manual Impact Guide
  • You can set reminders through the Courses page or the Week page. You can choose the date and time that you would like to receive the reminder. Reminders are sent as push notifications to your device.