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  • If you do not already have a Canvas account, you need to create an account before you can log in to Canvas.

    If you are using Canvas through your institution, you will most likely already have an account and need to accept a course invitation. Your institution will email your login information. If you do not yet have an account, you can create an account when you accept the course invitation. If your institution is using Canvas and you are having trouble with your account, contact your administrator for assistance.

    If your institution is not using Canvas, you can create your own account, also known as a free-for-teacher account, to create your own courses.

    Note: Free-for-Teacher accounts are always free. However, they do not contain all features available to institutional users of Canvas. Learn more in the Canvas Account Comparison PDF.

  • You can create course-level roles in Canvas. Course roles are granted to each Canvas user and define the type of access each user has in the course. Default roles include student, teacher (instructor), teacher assistant (TA), designer, and observer, but you can also create custom course-level roles depending on the needs of your institution.

    Once a role is created, you can set course-level permissions.

    Note: When a user receives an enrollment invitation for a course role, the invitation displays the name of the base role.

  • You can align any outcome in your course to a rubric. Rubrics are used to help students understand expectations for an assignment and how their submissions will be graded. Outcomes can be aligned with a rubric for additional assessment and measurable performance.

    To align an outcome, the outcome must already exist for your account. Learn how to create account outcomes.


    • Outcomes can be added to rubrics, but rubrics cannot be added to outcomes.
    • Rubrics cannot be edited once they have been added to more than one assignment in a course.
  • Updated on: Nov 19, 2022

    How do I add a rubric in an account?

    You can create rubrics for instructors to use across your institution. Instructors can add account-level rubrics to their assignments, graded discussions, and quizzes. Instructors can also create their own rubrics in their courses.

  • Updated on: Nov 19, 2022

    How do I manage rubrics in an account?

  • You can create Question Banks at the account-level.

  • By default, users can login in directly to Canvas using Canvas authentication. However, all Canvas users must have a Canvas account before they can log in to Canvas.

    Canvas authentication includes an option called self registration, which displays a registration banner on your account login page that allows users to create their own Canvas accounts. By default, Canvas authentication is enabled for all institutions, but self registration is disabled.

    Note that Canvas authentication can be used without self registration. For instance, some institutions want to create user accounts with a student information system (SIS) and import SIS data into Canvas but allow users to log in using the default Canvas login page. Canvas authentication also supports Single Sign On (SSO) authentication, which allows you to customize your login information, and can be used in addition to third-party authentication providers.

    Self Registration Accounts

    You can allow self registration for all user roles (students, instructors, observers) or only observer roles.

    • Student Accounts: Self registration is used with self enrollment. When users sign up as a student, a join code is required to access the course. Self enrollment creates the join code, which instructors can give to students to sign up in the course. Learn more about self enrollment options in your account.
    • Instructor Accounts: Instructors can sign up for a Canvas account through self registration if your institution does not already create instructor accounts.
    • Observer Accounts: Parents and other users who want to observe a student sign up through Canvas through the observer role.



    • You cannot delete Canvas authentication as an authentication option.
    • Canvas authentication passwords require a minimum of eight characters.
  • As an admin, you can view grade change activity for your account without having to access the API or grade history page.

  • Within Admin Tools, admins can view the login/logout activity of users within their institution.

    Note: Canvas will only register a user’s logout when the Logout button is clicked in the User Account menu. Closing the browser window does not create a logout request.