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  • Updated on: Jul 19, 2024

    How do I give extra credit in a course?

    You can give students extra credit in Canvas using several options.


    • If you are weighing your assignment groups, please pay attention to how weighted groups can affect the Gradebook if assignments are worth zero points.
    • If you have drop rules set in an assignment group, adding extra points may affect your students' scores.
  • Manual Commons Guide
  • If you modify a resource (learning activity) in Canvas that was previously shared to Commons, you can reshare the modified resource to Commons and the existing resource in Commons will be updated.


    • To enable Commons in your Canvas instance, please contact your Customer Success Manager.
    • Commons is available in all Free for Teacher (FFT) accounts. Free for Teacher users are limited to finding, importing, and sharing public resources.
    • If you choose to update a previously shared resource, the previous version will be replaced. If you choose not to update a previously shared resource, a new resource will be created.
    Manual Commons Guide
  • Manual Commons Guide
  • Manual Commons Guide
  • If you have added a rubric to an assignment, you can view the rubric in SpeedGrader.

    If you want to use the rubric to calculate a grade, be sure you have selected the Use this rubric for assignment grading checkbox when adding a rubric to an assignment. Make sure this checkbox is selected before you begin grading submissions.

    If you do not select the rubric specifically for grading, you can still use the rubric to evaluate an assignment but the score will not update automatically.

    Note: If you do not want to use predetermined rubric criterion, you can grade with free-form comments instead.

  • Updated on: Jul 19, 2024

    How do I share a resource to Commons?

    Manual Commons Guide
  • When sharing a resource to Commons, you can upload your own thumbnail image or select an image from Flickr. A thumbnail image is a visual representation of your resource and is used in the Commons resource repository. The minimum size of your thumbnail must be at least 147 pixels high and 262 pixels wide.

    Flickr searches the following licenses for images:

    • Creative Commons Attribution License
    • Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License
    • Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs License

    Learn more about Creative Content licenses. All Flickr images in Commons are moderated as safe. For concerns about how images show in Commons search, please refer to the Flickr Safety Guide.


    • To enable Commons in your Canvas instance, please contact your Customer Success Manager.
    • Commons is available in all Free for Teacher (FFT) accounts. Free for Teacher users are limited to finding, importing, and sharing public resources.
    Manual Commons Guide