Recent Updates

  • RSS, also known as Rich Site Summary or Really Simple Syndication, is a web feed format that publishes frequently updated information from external websites such as blogs, news headlines, audio, and video. RSS feeds benefit users who want to receive timely updates from favorite websites or to aggregate data from many sites.

    You can add an external RSS feed in a group announcement. Please note that when you create the RSS feed, only future feed content will be pulled into the announcement; it will not pull any existing or backdated content.

    Note: Adding an RSS feed will create an announcement for every new item added to that feed. Users that have chosen to be notified of new announcements in their Canvas notification preferences may see a substantial increase in the amount of notifications they receive.

  • Students can only delete their announcements within a group. You can delete an announcement on the Announcements page or within an individual announcement.

  • Manual Studio Guide
  • As a student, you can edit an announcement you created within a group.

  • Manual Studio Guide
  • Manual Studio Guide
  • Manual Studio Guide
  • Updated on: Jul 19, 2024

    How do I use Canvas Studio?

    An Arc account allows you to manage all your Arc media at any time. You can view, share, and comment on any uploaded video or audio media file.

    When Arc is integrated with Canvas, users with instructor roles can also view media within their course.

    Most commonly, Arc accounts are integrated with Canvas and can be accessed through your institution's Global Navigation Menu. However, Arc can also be accessed through a separate Arc site (most commonly for admins).

    To learn about available keyboard shortcuts in Arc, view the Arc Media Player Keyboard Shortcuts PDF.

    Note: If your Canvas Global Navigation Menu does not include a link to Arc, and your institution did not provide you with an email to log into the Arc site, you can always access Arc through the Rich Content Editor Arc icon, though full functionality is limited. If you are an instructor, you can also access Arc through the Course Navigation Menu.

    Manual Studio Guide