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  • Updated on: Nov 09, 2022

    How do I use Files as an instructor?

    As an instructor, Files allows you to store files and assignments within Canvas. You can upload one or multiple files, view all details about your files, preview files, publish and unpublish files, set usage rights, and restrict access to files. Files is built with responsive design to adjust for browser scaling. The folder navigation window, file displays, and even file names adjust to the width of the browser window.

    View a video about files.

    You have access to files (documents, images, media, etc.) in three different feature areas:

  • As a Canvas admin, you can access account settings in Commons to manage public sharing and importing options for your account.


    • Canvas account admins are automatically made account admins in Commons.
    • Non-admins (instructors, designers, etc) will not have access to Admin Settings.
    Manual Commons Guide
  • You can use the Gradebook to send messages to your students. Message subjects are filtered based on specific assignment categories:

    • Haven't submitted yet—students who haven't submitted the assignment. This category does not include students who have been manually awarded a grade, even if they did not submit the assignment. Once a grade has been awarded for an assignment (either automatically or manually), Canvas no longer verifies actual submissions.
    • Haven't been graded—students whose assignments have not yet been graded (submitted or unsubmitted).
    • Scored less than [point value]—students who earned a grade on their assignment less than X number of points.
    • Scored more than [point value]—students who earned a grade on their assignment more than X number of points.  


    Although one message most likely will be sent to multiple students at the same time, each student will receive an individual message.

  • Manual Impact Guide
  • If your institution has enabled profile pictures, you can add and change profile pictures in your account. If you do not see a placeholder picture in your user settings, your institution has not enabled this feature.

    There are three ways you can select a profile picture to use throughout Canvas:

    • Upload a Picture from your computer
    • Take a Picture using your computer's camera (not supported when using Safari or Internet Explorer)
    • Import from an existing Gravatar account


    Tips for profile pictures:

    • Please choose an appropriate picture to represent yourself. Your institution has the right to remove pictures that are not appropriate for a classroom setting.
    • Images should be square in size to prevent your picture from being resized or distorted.
    • Files can be any type (.jpg, .png, .gif) or size as long as you have room in your personal files to store the file. Canvas recommends that your profile picture be as small as possible.
    • Your personal files quota is enforced when uploading a profile picture. If you do not have enough storage space in your personal files, you will not be able to upload your profile picture. Create more space by removing some files in your personal files.