Recent Updates

  • If you can make a reply in an announcement, you may be able to like announcement replies in your course.

    Note: The liking feature may be restricted to users with grading permissions (e.g. instructors and TAs). If you cannot like an announcement reply, this feature is not available to you.

  • You can subscribe to the Announcement RSS feed in your course or group and receive announcements via any RSS feed reader. This lesson shows how to subscribe in a course, but the steps are the same as in a group.

  • The Announcements Index Page allows you to view and filter announcements in your course.

  • If you need to enable high contrast styles while you are working in your Arc site, you can enable it in your user settings.

    Manual Studio Guide
  • As an admin user, your user menu allows you to manage settings for your institution's Arc account. Currently, admin settings can only be managed in your institution's Arc site outside of Canvas.

    Manual Studio Guide
  • Updated on: Aug 20, 2021

    How do I access Canvas Studio?

    Depending on your institution's goals and preferences, Arc can be accessed in several ways. Most commonly, Arc accounts are integrated with Canvas.

    Manual Studio Guide
  • Manual Studio Guide
  • When you are finished in your Arc site, you can log out of your account.

    Manual Studio Guide
  • If you receive an email welcoming you to Arc, you need to verify your account by setting up a password. This password is used to access a specific Arc site separate from Canvas. When you accept the account invitation, the login page shows the URL you should use to manage and access Arc.

    Most commonly, email invitations are only sent to users who are invited to Arc as admins. Currently Arc users can only be managed by admins in the institution's Arc site.

    The password you create for your Arc site currently does not sync with your Canvas login, so for best results, create the same password for Arc that you use for Canvas. If you choose a different password, you can reset your password in your Arc site at any time using the password reset link.

    Except for the Arc site user menu, Arc sites display the same content as found in an Arc account.

    Manual Studio Guide