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  • Updated on: Aug 18, 2021

    How do I add a rubric to a quiz?

  • You can view a course the same way that your students view your course through Student View. Enabling Student View creates a Test Student in your course. You can activate Student View in your Course Settings.

    To see the student's perspective on Canvas, use Student View to view the course, post and reply to discussions, submit assignments, view grades, view people, view pages, view the syllabus, view quizzes, view the calendar, and view the scheduler (if enabled).

    Attendance, conferences, conversations, collaborations, differentiated assignments, groups, peer reviews, and profiles do not work for the Test Student. You will see only what you, as the instructor, allow your students to see.


    • Each Canvas course has a separate Test Student account. Whenever you move to a new course you will need to enable Student View for that course.
    • Submissions and scores for the Test Student do not affect course analytics.
    • You can only view the course layout as it is seen by your students. You cannot view student-specific information, such as conversations between students.
    • Once you activate Student View, the Test Student is shown at the end of the Gradebook and is automatically added to every section in your course. If you want to remove the test student completely, you will have to remove the test student from your section enrollments.
  • The Syllabus helps your instructor communicate course expectations and information. The Syllabus is automatically populated by assignments and events in the course.

    Your instructor has the option to set the Syllabus to be the home page for your course as well.

  • If you have an email address registered in two Canvas accounts, you can merge these accounts. Merging accounts combines the logins, contact methods, and enrollments for the two accounts.

    The icon to complete this process will only appear in User Settings if there are two or more email addresses on the account and the email address that appears on both accounts has been registered.

    In order to complete this process, you must have the Canvas username and password for both accounts.

    Note: Merging user accounts cannot be undone.

  • Depending on how your Canvas account was created, you may be able to make changes to your name, default email, language, time zone, and password.

    • Setting a chosen language will override any default language settings across your institution; however, any language set in a course will override your user language.
    • Your institution may take care of updating or changing your password by using the password associated with your login credentials for Canvas.
    • Users associated with a SIS ID cannot delete their own account.

    Note: Some settings may not be available to you. If you are not able to edit your user settings, you will need to contact your institution to change this information.

  • Manual Blackbaud
  • Manual Aspire SIS