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  • Your instructor may include a rubric as part of your assignment. The Rubric is a set of criteria that your instructor will use to grade your assignment. Before submitting your assignment, you can use the Rubric to evaluate your own work and make sure your assignment fulfills your instructor's requirements.

    Note: Not all assignments may include a rubric.

  • You can create a question in a quiz that does not include answers or point values. A text (no question) quiz question can be used as a preface to a quiz or a group of questions within a quiz. You may wish to use this type of question to include a passage of text, image, or video that will be referenced in subsequent questions.

    Note: All questions placed in question groups are shuffled when they appear in students' quizzes. Placing a text (no question) quiz question in a question group will likely disrupt your intended question order.

  • Once you have published a quiz, the quiz sidebar shows the Moderate Quiz link, which allows you to moderate the quiz for each student in your course. On the Moderate Quiz page you can view the progress of student submissions and view the number of quiz attempts each has taken. You can also grant students extra attempts, grant extra time for timed quizzes, and manually unlock quiz attempts.


    • Depending on the size of your course, Moderate Quiz information may take a few minutes to update. You may have to refresh the page to view the most current data.
    • If you change the quiz settings while a student is taking a quiz, the new settings will not apply until the student has completed the current attempt.
  • You can view results after one or more students have taken the practice quiz.


    • Students do not receive a grade for practice quizzes, even though the quiz results display the number of points earned in the quiz.
    • Practice quizzes do not appear in the Syllabus, the Gradebook, or SpeedGrader.
    • To view responses to essay questions, view individual submissions or download the Student Analysis report.
  • You can easily share Question Bank questions among several Canvas courses.

  • You can see graded or ungraded survey results after one or more users have taken the survey.


    • Graded surveys display in the Gradebook and SpeedGrader, while ungraded surveys do not.
    • The Item Analysis report is not available for surveys.
    • You can filter survey statistics using the first 10 sections of your course.
  • Updated on: Jan 15, 2021

    How do I view student results in a quiz?

    You can view student quiz results within each quiz in your course by viewing the quiz results page or moderating the quiz. If a student has multiple quiz attempts, you can also view results of all attempts. As an instructor, you can choose the type of quiz results to display to students as listed in the quiz options.

  • A Likert scale question is a list of statements with response points that indicate agreement. Canvas' Multiple Dropdown question type can be used for Likert-style questions in Surveys.

  • You can delete Question Banks that you no longer use.

    Please note that deleting a question bank will affect any quizzes that are associated with the question bank, especially if they have student submissions. For students who haven't yet taken the quiz, they won't be able to see any questions from the quiz bank, but any existing quiz submissions will still show the previously included questions.