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Updated on: Jan 15, 2021
How do I move/copy a question from one question bank to another?
You can easily move or copy individual questions from one question bank to another. Moving questions removes the question from the original question bank. Copying questions leaves a copy in the original question bank and adds a copy to the selected question bank.
You can also move multiple questions from one question bank to another. Copying questions is not available for multiple questions.
Manual Canvas Instructor Guide -
Updated on: Jan 15, 2021
How do I delete a quiz?
You can delete quizzes from your course.
- Deleting a quiz will remove it completely from your course. If you would rather hide the quiz or make it inaccessible to submissions, you can lock the quiz or modify the access dates. If the quiz has no student submissions, you can unpublish the quiz.
- When Multiple Grading Periods are enabled in a course, you cannot delete individual quizzes for any student, group, or section in a closed grading period.
Manual Canvas Instructor Guide -
Updated on: Jan 15, 2021
How do I create a question bank in a course?
Question Banks are a place to house questions that can be added to quizzes across courses or accounts.
Manual Canvas Instructor Guide -
Updated on: Jan 15, 2021
How do I create an Essay quiz question?
You can create an essay question for your students. This question type requires manual grading.
Manual Canvas Instructor Guide -
Updated on: Jan 15, 2021
How do I create a True/False quiz question?
You can create a question for students that is a true or false answer.
If you need to edit a True/False question after publishing the quiz, you can use quiz regrade to edit quiz questions and tell Canvas to update grades for students who have already taken the quiz.
Manual Canvas Instructor Guide -
Updated on: Jan 15, 2021
How do I create a Fill-in-Multiple-Blanks quiz question?
You can create a question that has multiple blanks for students to type in their responses. You can create a sentence with multiple fill-in-the banks, as demonstrated in this lesson, or you can use the same steps to create a list.
Manual Canvas Instructor Guide -
Updated on: Jan 15, 2021
How do I create a Multiple Answers quiz question?
You can create a question that has multiple answers in it.
- If you need to edit a Multiple Answers question after publishing the quiz, you can use quiz regrade to edit quiz questions and tell Canvas to update grades for students who have already taken the quiz. However, this option only works for regrading existing questions, not deleting questions completely.
- To calculate scores for Multiple Answers quiz questions, Canvas divides the total points possible by the amount of correct answers for that question. This amount is awarded for every correct answer selected and deducted for every incorrect answer selected. No points are awarded or deducted for correct or incorrect answers that are not selected. For example, an instructor may create a Multiple Answer quiz question with 9 points possible that includes three correct choices and two incorrect choices. If a student selects two correct answers and one incorrect answer, they would be awarded 3 total points for that question. This would be calculated by awarding 3 points (9 total points divided by 3 correct answers) for each correct answer and subtracting 3 points for the incorrect answer.
Manual Canvas Instructor Guide -
Updated on: Jan 15, 2021
How do I create a Multiple Dropdown quiz question?
You can create a question that has multiple options for students to select in their response. You can create a sentence with multiple answers, as demonstrated in this lesson, or you can use the same steps to create a list.
Manual Canvas Instructor Guide -
Updated on: Jan 15, 2021
How do I create a Multiple Choice quiz question?
You can create a multiple choice question for your students.
If you need to edit a Multiple Choice question after publishing the quiz, you can use quiz regrade to edit quiz questions and tell Canvas to update grades for students who have already taken the quiz.
Manual Canvas Instructor Guide -
Updated on: Jan 15, 2021
How do I configure a manual entry external app for an account?
You can manually configure an external app in your account settings in Canvas. However, configuring an external app by URL is more common.
To learn more about configuring external apps, visit the Edu App Center.
Note: Manually configuring an external app is an account permission. If you cannot configure an external app, this permission has not been enabled for your user role.
Manual Canvas Admin Guide