How do I set up an assignment to be sent to ProgressBook for grade passback?

If your institution has set up Canvas grade passback (GPB) with ProgressBook, you can sync your Canvas course gradebook to your ProgressBook gradebook. However, you must first specify which assignment(s) in the course should be included in a GPB sync.

You can also specify which graded discussions and quizzes should be included in GPB sync.


  • Only assignments added to imported ProgressBook grading categories are eligible for GPB.
  • Once set up for SIS sync, you can manage synced items on the Assignment and Quizzes index pages. You can also turn off assignment sync for all assignments on the Assignments page.
  • Your institution may select the SIS sync option automatically for each assignment. You can de-select assignments that you do not want to pass back to ProgressBook.
  • Non-graded assignment types cannot be synced to ProgressBook.

Open Assignments

Open Assignments

In Course Navigation, click the Assignments link.

Add Assignment

Add Assignment

Click the Add Assignment button.

Edit Assignment

Edit Assignment

Alternatively, you can edit an existing assignment. To open the assignment, click the assignment name [1]. Then on the assignment's details page, click the Edit button [2].

Add Assignment Name

Add Assignment Name

Enter a name for the assignment in the Assignment Name field.

For GPB with ProgressBook to work, assignment names must be 30 or fewer characters.

Select Sync to SIS

Select Sync to SIS

On the assignment details page, select the Sync to SIS checkbox. The assignment and any student scores will be included when you sync your Canvas gradebook to ProgressBook.


  • Your institution can auto-enable all assignments to be sent to ProgressBook. To exclude an assignment from SIS sync, de-select the Sync to SIS checkbox.
  • The SIS checkbox also displays on quizzes and graded discussions details pages.
  • The SIS checkbox does not display for non-graded assignment types.
  • The Sync to SIS option may display the name of your institution's SIS.

Add Due Date

Add Due Date

Enter an assignee in the Assign to field [1]. You can assign to everyone and/or a section.

Enter a due date in the Due field [2].


  • If you use differentiated assignments to allow different sections different due dates, you must also include a due date for the remaining students using the Everyone Else option in the Assign to field [3]. However, only the specified sections are included in the grade sync.
  • When an individual section is added to an assignment, the Everyone option changes to Everyone Else.

Save Assignment

Save Assignment

Click the Save button [1].

Note: For new assignments, you can click the Save & Publish button [2].

View Assignment Errors

View Assignment Errors

If you cannot save your assignment, view the assignment error messages.

Assignment names are required and they must be 30 or fewer characters [1]. For ProgressBook GPB, due dates are required for the Assign to Everyone option [2].

Correct any errors and save the assignment.