How do I view the course grade sync history for grade passback to my SIS gradebook?

As an instructor, you can view grade sync history from the Grade Sync page in your course. In the Grade Sync page you can view a list of the most recent grade syncs from your Canvas course to your SIS gradebook, including syncs you request and scheduled syncs your institution may run. Successful syncs display for seven days while syncs with errors and failed syncs display for fourteen days.

Open Grade Sync

Open Grade Sync

In Course Navigation, click the Grade Sync link.

View Grade Sync History

View Grade Sync History

By default, the Grade Sync page displays the History tab [1].

Your recent grade syncs from Canvas to your SIS display in the Grade Sync History list [2]. The list displays up to the ten most recent syncs.

To view additional syncs, use the page navigation icons [3].

To refresh the page to view in-progress or recently completed syncs, click the Refresh button [4].

View Sync List

View Sync List

You can view the following information for each sync:

  • Time Started [1]: the date and time when the sync started. The displayed time follows the account's specified time zone setting.
  • Time Updated [2]: the date and time when the sync completed. The displayed time follows the account's specified time zone setting.
  • Posted By [3]: the name of the user who initiated the sync. Scheduled syncs are posted by your institution's Canvas Integrations Admin, and manual syncs display your name or the name of the admin who requested the sync.
  • SIS Assignments [4]: the number of assignments sent to and created in the SIS gradebook and the percent of assignments successfully created in the SIS gradebook.
  • SIS Grades [5]: the number of grades sent to and created in the SIS gradebook and the percent of grades successfully added in the SIS gradebook.
  • Status [6]: the grade sync status. A status may be listed as Completed, Completed (with errors), Failed, and Running.

Note: If your Canvas course includes multiple sections that are also reflected in your SIS gradebook, then grade passback creates a new assignment for each course section in your SIS. As a result, when you sync grades from Canvas to your SIS, the number of created SIS assignments in the SIS Assignments column may differ from the number of assignments synced from Canvas in the Assignments column.

View Grade Sync Details

View Grade Sync Details

When all or a portion of a grade sync failed, or when the Canvas gradebook had no updates to sync, you can view more information about the errors.

Locate the sync in the Grade Sync list [1]. In the Status column, click the Status link [2].

View Status Logs

View Status Logs

View the errors that occurred during the sync [1]. 

To close the Logs window, click the Close button [2].