How do I view and use the grade sync details page as an instructor?
As an instructor, you can view details about grade syncs from Canvas to the Grade Sync page. The grade sync history list displays data for each automatic sync initiated by your institution as well as any manual syncs you run.
Grade sync details include information about the overall success of a sync and information about affected sections, assignments, and grades.
Open Grade Sync

In Course Navigation, click the Grade Sync link.
View Grade Sync History
By default, the Grade Sync page displays the History tab.
The Grade Sync History list displays successful grade syncs for up to seven days, and failed grade syncs for up to fourteen days.
Open Grade Sync Details
To open view detailed information about a grade sync, locate the sync in the list. Then click the Grade Sync Status Details link [1].
Note: You can also open Grade Sync Details from the Assignments link [2].
View Sync Details
At the top of every grade sync details page, the sync information displays. You can view the user who posted the sync and the exchange ID number [1].
To return to the Grade Sync page, click the Close icon [2].
View SIS Assignment Details
The SIS Assignments details page provides links to Canvas assignments [1], the section name [2], the submission count links with links to the specific grade on the SIS grades tab [3], sync status [4], and message details [5].