Using the Canvas Gradebook
When entering grades for students, you may occasionally come across an instance where students scores do not display correct calculations.
Check Assignment Points Possible

If your gradebook totals are greater than 100% for some or all of your students, review the points possible for each assignment [1]. In particular, locate any assignments with zero points possible. Additionally, check the scores added in the column to make sure they are not higher than the overall score set for the assignment [2].
Confirm Entered Scores

In the Gradebook, review the scores added to the students and make sure there are no unexpected ungraded students.
If a grade displays as a percentage or a grading scheme such as a letter grade or a GPA, view the grades entered as points.
If an assignment does not count toward the course final grade, the assignment displays in the Gradebook, but it is excluded from the total calculations.
If a student received a 0 on an assignment, the assignment cell should display a 0. Cells with a dash indicate that the assignment is not graded for the student [1]. Alternatively, to exclude an assignment score from the student's total score in the course, you can excuse a student from the assignment [2].
Note: Some assignments and quizzes do not display in the Gradebook. For example, ungraded discussions do not display in the Gradebook.
Check Weighted Assignment Groups
If you use weighted assignment groups to calculate the total grade, confirm that each assignment group contains the correct weighted percentage. You can review this in the Assignments page or in the Gradebook.
Additionally, in the Assignments page, confirm each group has the correct assignment associated with it. You can move assignments as needed.