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  • Updated on: Apr 26, 2023

    How do I clear my browser cache on a PC?

    A browser cache stores copies of web pages you visit which allows the pages to load faster. Clearing the cache helps keep pages updated with the correct information.

  • The beta environment allows you to explore new features before they reach production. The beta environment is overwritten with data from the production environment every Sunday. Any work or content you add to your beta environment will be overwritten every week.

    If you want to keep up on the latest beta features in Canvas, visit the Release Notes page in the Canvas Community.

    The beta environment is separate from the test environment, which is overwritten with data from the production environment every three weeks and allows you to test using your real data without ruining the experience for your users. Learn more about the different Canvas environments.  

    Notes about the Beta Environment:

    • All users can access the Canvas beta environment, but students cannot access course content beyond the Course Home Page; if you want to allow students to view all course content, please contact your local Admin.
    • Notifications, including course invitations and report downloads, cannot be sent in the beta environment.
    • Crocodoc (annotation tool in SpeedGrader) 
is not available in the beta environment.
    • Any changes you want to keep in the beta environment must be made directly within the production environment before beta is reset.
    • LTI tools (External Apps) are typically not available outside the production environment. LTI tools may display in the beta environment, but often they are only configured for the production environment. Using production-configured LTI tools in the beta environment will affect live data. If you have permission to edit LTI tools, you can confirm the configuration for a specific LTI tool in your course or account. Please contact your Customer Success Manager for specific questions.
    • Feature option settings are copied from the production environment.
  • New Canvas users may encounter new terminology throughout Canvas. This lesson is a glossary that identifies the most common terms used in Canvas.

  • The beta environment allows you to explore new features before they reach production. The beta environment is overwritten with data from the production environment every Sunday. Any work or content you add to your beta environment will be overwritten every week.

    If you want to keep up on the latest beta features in Canvas, visit the Release Notes page in the Canvas Community.

    The beta environment is separate from the test environment, which is overwritten with data from the production environment every three weeks and allows you to test using your real data without ruining the experience for your users. Learn more about the different Canvas environments.  

    Notes about the Beta Environment:

    • All users can access the Canvas beta environment, but students cannot access course content beyond the Course Home Page; if you want to allow students to view all course content, please contact your Customer Success Manager.
    • Notifications, including course invitations and report downloads, cannot be sent in the beta environment.
    • Crocodoc (annotation tool in SpeedGrader) 
is not available in the beta environment.
    • Any changes you want to keep in the beta environment must be made directly within the production environment before beta is reset.
    • LTI tools (External Apps) are typically not available outside the production environment. LTI tools may display in the beta environment, but often they are only configured for the production environment. Using production-configured LTI tools in the beta environment will affect live data. If you have permission to edit LTI tools, you can confirm the configuration for a specific LTI tool in your course or account. Please contact your Customer Success Manager for specific questions.
    • Account-level user page views always reflect activity from the production environment.
    • Feature option settings are copied from the production environment.
  • Canvas has an integrated tool for math and science formulas based on LaTeX, the industry standard for academic publication. The LaTeX Math Editor is built into the Rich Content Editor. The Rich Content Editor is used in features that support the editor (Announcements, Assignments, Discussions, Pages, Quizzes, or Syllabus). Canvas also includes the option to create equations and expressions with its graphical point-and-click editor.

    The Math Editor can be used for basic mathematical formatting for introductory math courses or for more advanced mathematical text for higher-level math courses. Both students and instructors have access to the editor.

    For more help, download the following PDF files:

    Note: To have characters #, $, %, &, ^, _, {, and } appear in the Rich Content Editor, when your equation is inserted, you must use Advanced View and type a backslash (\) before the character. The ~ character can be inserted through Advanced View by typing \~~. The $ character can be inserted through Basic View by typing \$$.

  • Term dates, course dates, and section dates are very symbiotic. All of them flow together in all aspects of Canvas. Various dates allow different users to participate in the course.

    When a term has concluded, associated courses are placed in a read-only (archived) state. Read-only means that a course is not available for submitting assignments, posting discussions, uploading files, grading, or any other action-based task within a course.

    However, course dates and section dates can override term dates, and some overrides may leave the course open for participation.

    Term dates, course dates, and section dates can also be added through SIS imports.

    In conjunction with this lesson, to see an example of how term dates, course dates, and section dates work together, view the Terms, Courses, and Section Enrollments PDF.

  • Updated on: Apr 26, 2023

    Logging into a Free-for-Teacher account