Canvas Guides (English)Canvas for Elementary GuidesCanvas for Elementary Observer GuideAnnouncementsHow do I view announcements as an observer in Canvas for Elementary?

How do I view announcements as an observer in Canvas for Elementary?

This lesson applies to users at institutions that have enabled the Canvas for Elementary user interface.

When added by your student's instructor, you can view current and past homeroom and subject announcements. You can also receive new announcements via Canvas notifications.


  • By default, the most recent homeroom announcement displays on the Homeroom for two weeks or until replaced by another homeroom announcement. Similarly, the most recent subject announcement displays on the subject's Home page for two weeks or until replaced by another subject announcement.
  • If the announcements section does not display in your student's subject, no announcements have been added to the subject.

View Homeroom Announcements

View Homeroom Announcements

In the Homeroom, you can use the drop-down menu to switch between students you are observing [1].

By default, the most recent homeroom announcement displays in the homeroom [2]. The most recent homeroom announcement displays for two weeks or until replaced by another homeroom announcement.

You can view the announcement [3] and the post date and time [4]. You are not allowed to reply to Homeroom and subject announcements, however, instructors and TA's may reply.

To navigate through homeroom announcements, use the Next and Previous buttons [5].

To view details for a homeroom announcement, click the homeroom announcement title [6].


  • If the announcements section does not display in the homeroom, no homeroom announcements have been added.
  • If your student's instructor has not posted a homeroom announcement in the past two weeks but has posted announcements previously, the "No recent announcements" message displays.

View Homeroom Announcement Details

View Homeroom Announcement Details

The Announcement Details page displays the announcement title [1], the announcement author's name [2] and profile picture [3], and the announcement [4].

Students are not allowed to reply to homeroom announcements, however, instructors and teacher assistants (TAs) may reply.

Open Subject

Open Subject

The most recent subject announcement displays in the subject card with an announcement icon [1]. To view subject announcement details, click the subject's announcement title.

To view the current and past subject announcements in a subject's Home page, click the subject name [2].

View Subject Announcements

View Subject Announcements

By default,  the most recent subject announcement displays in the subject's Home tab [1]. The most recent subject announcement displays for two weeks or until replaced by another subject announcement.

You can view the announcement [2] and the post date and time [3].

To navigate through subject announcements, use the Next and Previous buttons [4].

To view details for a subject announcement, click the subject announcement title [5].


  • If the announcements section does not display in your subject, no subject announcements have been added.
  • If your student's instructor has not posted a subject announcement in the past two weeks but has posted announcements previously, the "No recent announcements" message displays.

View Subject Announcement Details

View Subject Announcement Details

The Announcement Details page displays the announcement title [1], the announcement author's name [2] and profile picture [3], and the announcement [4].

Students are not allowed to reply to Homeroom and subject announcements, however, instructors and TA's may reply.

To search announcement replies, enter keywords in the Search field [5].

To sort announcement replies by unread replies, use the All dropdown [6].

To sort newest first, click the Sort button [7].

To view the announcement in split screen, click the Split Screen button [8]

To expand all replies, click the Expand Threads button [9].