How do I view Assignment Enhancements as an observer?
You can view all your student's course assignments on the Assignments Index page.
- Your student's instructor may choose to hide the Assignments link in Course Navigation. If the Assignments link is not available, you can still access assignments through your user or course dashboard, the Syllabus, Gradebook, Calendar, or Modules.
- You can view all content from submitted assignments. However, you cannot view assignment drafts.
- Assignment Enhancements does not support Cloud Assignments.
- If the assignment you are accessing displays differently, Assignment Enhancements may not be enabled in your course or your instructor may not have used a supported assignment type.
Open Assignments

In Course Navigation, click the Assignments link.
Open Assignment

Click the name of an assignment.
View Assignment
You can view the due date, points, and look at your student's attempts for the assignment [1]. Not all assignments may have a due date.
You can also view additional details:
- Details [2]: any instructions from the instructor about the assignment. Please note that you cannot download assignment instructions unless your instructor has included a link to download them. You can also print the screen or copy and paste the directions into a word processing program, or you can also view the assignment in the Canvas mobile app.
- Available Submission Type [3]: shows how a student can submit an assignment.
- Rubric [4]:any grading criteria that the instructor has provided for the assignment. An assignment may or may not include a rubric. Before submitting your assignment, you may want to review the assignment rubric.
- View Feedback [5]: any comments from the instructor about the assignment.