How do I use the Syllabus as an observer?

The Syllabus helps your student's instructor communicate course expectations and information. The Syllabus is automatically populated with course assignments and course calendar events.

Your student's instructor has the option to set the Syllabus to be the home page for your student's course as well.

00:07: How do I use the syllabus as an observer? 00:10: In course, navigation, click the syllabus link 00:14: The syllabus includes the syllabus description, the syllabus table and 00:18: the sidebar. 00:20: The syllabus description may contain the course, description. 00:23: A brief introduction class guidelines, weekly reminders 00:27: and other important information from your students teacher. 00:32: The course summary is automatically generated for the course and contains a 00:36: list of assignments and calendar events. 00:39: Assignments are indicated by the assignments icon and events are indicated 00:43: by the calendar icon. 00:46: Non-graded items with a to due date show that to due date in the syllabus. 00:52: Click the title to view the details of the assignment or event. 00:55: Any assignments or events that are passed the due date are highlighted in Gray. 01:00: Undated items are listed in alphabetical order. 01:04: If you have said a specific time zone in your user settings, all course dates 01:08: and times will display in your local time, but if you hover over the time, you 01:12: can also see the core State and time. 01:16: The sidebar section displays information, about course, events and Grading. 01:19: If your syllabus is also set as your course home page, the sidebar 01:23: may also include additional features 01:27: The syllabus sidebar includes a mini calendar. 01:29: Any date that includes an event or assignment due date are shown with a gray 01:34: background To view an Associated assignment or event in the syllabus 01:38: table, click the calendar date. 01:41: If your students course includes weighted assignment groups, the sidebar may 01:45: also shows the percentages of each group.

Open Syllabus

Open Syllabus

In Course Navigation, click the Syllabus link.

View Syllabus

View Syllabus

The syllabus includes the syllabus description [1], the syllabus table [2], and the sidebar [3].

View Syllabus Description

View Syllabus Description

The syllabus description may contain the course description, a brief introduction, class guidelines, weekly reminders, and other important information from your student's instructor.

View Course Summary

View Course Summary

The Course Summary is automatically generated for the course and contains a list of assignments and calendar events. Assignments are indicated by the Assignments icon [1], and events are indicated by the Calendar icon [2]. Non-graded items with a to-do date show the to-do date in the syllabus [3].

Click the title to view the details of the assignment or event. Any assignments or events that are past the due date are highlighted in gray. Undated items are listed in alphabetical order [4].

View Time Zones

View Time Zones

If you have set a specific time zone in your User Settings, all course dates and times will display in your local time, but if you hover over the time, you can also see the course date and time.

View Sidebar

View Sidebar

The sidebar section displays information about course events and grading. If your Syllabus is also set as your course home page, the sidebar may also include additional features.

The Syllabus sidebar includes a mini calendar [1]. Any date that includes an event or assignment due date is shown with a gray background. To view an associated assignment or event in the Syllabus table, click the calendar date.

If your student's course includes weighted assignment groups, the sidebar may also show the percentages of each group [2].

Note: If you cannot view assignment group totals, your student's instructor has restricted this feature.