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  • <p>If you are a student, you can view your grades in the Canvas app.</p> <p>Grades can also be viewed as a Course Navigation link. However, the Course Navigation menu matches the browser version of your Canvas course. If you are a student and Grades is not available in Course Navigation, it will also be hidden from view in the app.</p> <p>If your course is using Multiple Grading Periods, the Grades page shows assignments and grades within the current grading period. If your course is not using Multiple Grading Periods, the Grades page shows all assignments and grades for the entire course. If the Dashboard does not show a total grade, there are no active grading periods in your course. </p> <p>The images in this lesson are shown for a phone display, but unless otherwise noted, tablet displays mirror the same steps.</p> <p><strong>Note: </strong>Currently observers cannot view student grades in the app.</p>
  • <p>The Announcements Index Page allows you to view and filter announcements in your course.</p>
  • Manual Studio Guide
  • Manual Commons Guide
  • Manual Commons Guide
  • Updated on: Jan 17, 2025

    How do I use SpeedGrader?

    <p>SpeedGrader makes it easy to evaluate individual student assignments and group assignments quickly. </p> <p>SpeedGrader displays assignment submissions for active students in your course. However, SpeedGrader displays assignment submissions according to the current <a href="../../4152/l/220009?data-resolve-url=true&amp;data-manual-id=4152" data-object-class="article" data-object-uuid="9179a90e-878b-4b4a-a3b1-3663f3a1bfb3" data-object-manual-uuid="2E64DA50-E3D9-012F-D7C3-12313804AAC3" data-resolve-url="true" target="_blank">Gradebook settings</a> for inactive enrollments and concluded enrollments. For instance, if the Gradebook settings show inactive enrollments, inactive student submissions also appear in SpeedGrader. </p> <p>You can access SpeedGrader through: <a href="../../4152/l/55020?data-resolve-url=true&amp;data-manual-id=4152" data-object-class="article" data-object-uuid="F43F947D-A75B-46E5-98CA-49354C90529F" data-object-manual-uuid="2E64DA50-E3D9-012F-D7C3-12313804AAC3" data-resolve-url="true" target="_blank">Assignments,</a> <a href="../../4152/l/55020?data-resolve-url=true&amp;data-manual-id=4152" data-object-class="article" data-object-uuid="F43F947D-A75B-46E5-98CA-49354C90529F" data-object-manual-uuid="2E64DA50-E3D9-012F-D7C3-12313804AAC3" data-resolve-url="true" target="_blank">Quizzes,</a> <a href="../../4152/l/55020?data-resolve-url=true&amp;data-manual-id=4152" data-object-class="article" data-object-uuid="F43F947D-A75B-46E5-98CA-49354C90529F" data-object-manual-uuid="2E64DA50-E3D9-012F-D7C3-12313804AAC3" data-resolve-url="true" target="_blank">Graded Discussions,</a> and <a href="../../4152/l/55019?data-resolve-url=true&amp;data-manual-id=4152" data-object-class="article" data-object-uuid="C85A948B-B599-49E3-A339-96845E348A5C" data-object-manual-uuid="2E64DA50-E3D9-012F-D7C3-12313804AAC3" data-resolve-url="true" target="_blank">the Gradebook.</a> </p> <p><strong>SpeedGrader Performance</strong></p> <p>When an assignment is opened in SpeedGrader, all values for that assignment are loaded and saved in the browser, including student submission data, any grades (including original grades for resubmitted assignments), rubrics, and comments. This behavior reduces load time and allows instructors to grade all submissions quickly without continually refreshing the browser. Advancing from one student to the next does not dynamically load any updated content.</p> <p>When using SpeedGrader with large courses, users may experience decreased performance depending on the amount of student data loaded for the assignment. Differentiated assignments where individual sections, students, and/or groups have specific due dates may also affect performance. Courses with more than 800 students may result in delayed SpeedGrader loading times, and courses with more than 1500 students may fail to load in the browser completely. If SpeedGrader does not load after 60 seconds, you may need to reload the page.</p> <p>To improve SpeedGrader performance, large courses should be separated into sections. You can view the student list by section, which only displays submissions for that section and decreases the overall loading time for an assignment's data. </p> <p><strong>SpeedGrader Users</strong></p> <p>SpeedGrader is generally designed for one instructor role to grade submissions at a time. Because of how SpeedGrader data is loaded and stored in the browser, multiple users should not grade assignments at the same time since each grader cannot view the most recent information for a submission. Updated grades also affect the Gradebook.</p> <p>If your course includes multiple graders, graders added to a course can be limited to only <a href="../../4152/l/57133?data-resolve-url=true&amp;data-manual-id=4152" data-object-class="article" data-object-uuid="1BBB2CD6-5B05-45AD-8B7F-F9A7F1564E6F" data-object-manual-uuid="2E64DA50-E3D9-012F-D7C3-12313804AAC3" data-resolve-url="true" target="_blank">interact with users in a section</a> and only grade submissions in the section where they were enrolled. This enrollment option prevents assignment grading overlap so multiple instructor roles cannot grade the same assignment.</p> <p>An exception to multiple graders is an assignment set up for <a href="../../4152/l/477016?data-resolve-url=true&amp;data-manual-id=4152" data-object-class="article" data-object-uuid="2ec9ef52-8c49-447b-9562-18f9e7b87b5d" data-object-manual-uuid="2E64DA50-E3D9-012F-D7C3-12313804AAC3" data-resolve-url="true" target="_blank">moderated grading,</a> where an instructor may act as a moderator and allow two additional graders to review a submission independent of each other.</p>
  • <p>The Gradebook Individual View allows instructors to assess one student and one assignment at a time. Fully accessible to screen readers, this Gradebook view allows instructors to sort by section and assignment and contains all the same settings that are available in the <a href="../../4152/l/220009?data-resolve-url=true&amp;data-manual-id=4152" data-object-class="article" data-object-uuid="9179a90e-878b-4b4a-a3b1-3663f3a1bfb3" data-object-manual-uuid="2E64DA50-E3D9-012F-D7C3-12313804AAC3" data-resolve-url="true" target="_blank">default Gradebook View</a> (the view that shows all students in a course). </p> <p>If you are not familiar with the settings and other options in the Gradebook, click the feature links throughout this lesson to learn more about how the feature works in the default view.</p> <p>Like all Gradebook tabs, Individual View is persistent. Therefore, once you switch the Gradebook to Individual View, the Gradebook will always display in Individual View until it is switched back to the default view. </p> <p><strong>Note:</strong> If your course includes multiple graders, please note that once you open the Gradebook, all existing Gradebook data is stored in the browser until the page is refreshed. Grades are not dynamically updated with any changes made by other graders in the Gradebook or in SpeedGrader.</p>