Recent Updates

  • You can find your peers' feedback for peer reviewed assignments in several places.

    Note: If the peer review is anonymous, the name of the reviewer will not be included in any feedback.

  • Your instructor may require you to submit a peer review of another student's assignment. To complete the assignment, you must review the student's assignment and add a comment in the comment sidebar.

    If your instructor includes a rubric, which is a pre-determined outline of how an assignment is graded, you must also assign a grade using the rubric.

    Some peer reviews may also be anonymous, which means you cannot view the name of the student whose assignment you are reviewing. Additionally, the student cannot see your name as the reviewer when you leave a comment to complete the review.  

  • You can insert a podcast feed for your discussion topics. A podcast is a way to distribute digital content for download on the Internet. A podcast feed is the file you use to distribute your discussion for users who want to subscribe through external podcasting channels.

    Note: The Record/Upload Media Comment tool in the Rich Content Editor must be used for updates to be added to the podcast feed. Text-only discussion posts are not included in the feed.

  • By default, you will automatically be subscribed to all discussion threads you create in your courses and be notified when new comments are posted to the topic.

    You can subscribe to discussions created by TAs or other students in your course (if you allow). You can also subscribe to discussions posted within student groups. If you reply to a discussion, you will automatically be subscribed to discussions and will be notified of updates unless you manually unsubscribe to that discussion. Please also note that you cannot subscribe to individual threads within a threaded discussion.

    Note: You must specify your Notification Preferences to receive updates for subscribed discussions.

  • If you have allowed liking for a course discussion, you can like discussion replies.

  • By default, as you read new discussion posts, Canvas will mark them as read (changing the indicators from blue to white) as you scroll down the page. However, you can manually mark each posts back to a read or unread state.

    You can tell Canvas not to automatically mark all your posts as read in your Discussion settings.

    Note: Once a post's state is manually changed, the post will not change states (become read or unread) until you manually change it again.

  • You can view all replies in a discussion by scrolling or searching content. Focused discussion replies are shown in hierarchal order; threaded discussions are hierarchal, collapsable, and expandable.

  • The Discussion Index page allows you to view all the discussions within a course. As an instructor, you can add discussions and modify discussion settings.

  • You may be able to like discussion replies in your course.

    Note: The liking feature may be restricted to users with grading permissions (e.g. instructors and TAs). If you cannot like a discussion reply, this feature is not available to you.