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  • Canvas has an integrated tool for math and science formulas based on LaTeX, the industry standard for academic publication. The LaTeX Math Editor is built into the Rich Content Editor. The Rich Content Editor is used in features that support the editor (Announcements, Assignments, Discussions, Pages, Quizzes, or Syllabus). Canvas also includes the option to create equations and expressions with its graphical point-and-click editor.

    The Math Editor can be used for basic mathematical formatting for introductory math courses or for more advanced mathematical text for higher-level math courses. Both students and instructors have access to the editor.

    For more help, download the following PDF files:

    Note: To have characters #, $, %, &, ^, _, {, and } appear in the Rich Content Editor, when your equation is inserted, you must use Advanced View and type a backslash (\) before the character. The ~ character can be inserted through Advanced View by typing \~~. The $ character can be inserted through Basic View by typing \$$.

  • Term dates, course dates, and section dates are very symbiotic. All of them flow together in all aspects of Canvas. Various dates allow different users to participate in the course.

    When a term has concluded, associated courses are placed in a read-only (archived) state. Read-only means that a course is not available for submitting assignments, posting discussions, uploading files, grading, or any other action-based task within a course.

    However, course dates and section dates can override term dates, and some overrides may leave the course open for participation.

    Term dates, course dates, and section dates can also be added through SIS imports.

    In conjunction with this lesson, to see an example of how term dates, course dates, and section dates work together, view the Terms, Courses, and Section Enrollments PDF.

  • Updated on: Apr 26, 2023

    Logging into a Free-for-Teacher account

  • This lesson will show you how to log in to Canvas from an internet browser. If you are using Canvas with an institution, you will log in either from your institution's webpage or by using their direct Canvas URL. Canvas Network and Free-for-Teacher accounts also log in with a Canvas URL. You can also log in to Canvas on the Canvas Mobile apps.

    You must have an account to log in to Canvas:

    • If you are associated with an institution using Canvas and do not know your username and password, please contact your site administrator.
    • If you do not yet have an account, learn how to create a Canvas account.


    Note: If you are having trouble signing into Canvas, please see the troubleshooting section in this lesson.

  • Updated on: Apr 26, 2023

    How do I log in to Canvas as a student?

    This lesson will show you how to log in to Canvas from an internet browser. If you are using Canvas with an institution, you will log in either from your institution's webpage or by using their direct Canvas URL. Canvas Network accounts also log in with a Canvas URL. You can also log in to Canvas on the Canvas Mobile apps.

    You must have an account to log in to Canvas:

    • If you are associated with an institution using Canvas and do not know your username and password, please contact your site administrator.
    • If you do not yet have an account, learn how to create a Canvas account.


    Note: If you are having trouble signing into Canvas, please see the troubleshooting section in this lesson.