How do I view Impact support escalation routes?
The Support Escalation Routes Report displays when a support or request is accessed or submitted via one of the contact options. You can use the Support Escalation Routes Report to view the number of support requests.
Where can I find the Support Escalation Routes Report?
In Global Navigation, click the Support link [1]. then click the Insights tab [2].
Scroll to view the Support Escalation Routes chart [3].
How can I filter the results of the report?
Filter displayed results using the Support Center filters. You can filter by Start date [1], End date [2], User Category [3], User Group [4], and Status [5].
Filters Explained
Date Range | Select any start and end date to see how frequently the support escalation route was requested during the date range. |
User Category | Select any user category, like Students or Instructors, to view the number of support escalation routes made only by users in that user category. |
User Group | Select any specific user group, to only view the number of support escalation routes made by users that have the selected roles. |
How can I change the presentation of the Support Escalation Routes Report?
Changing the presentation settings of your support escalation routes report determines how the chart data is scaled and whether the adoption level for each monitor category is expressed in percentages or actual numbers.
Impact allows you to change how the support escalation routes data is presented within the chart using the Trend [1] and Actual [2] drop-down menu options.
Presentation Options Explained
Trend/Cumulative |
With Trend enabled, the chart shows separate adoption levels for each unit of time. When set to Cumulative, the chart presents the growth curve of usage from the first unit of time to the last unit of time. Each point in the graph shows the usage level from the start date of the chart until the date associated with that point. |
Actual/Fixed/Scaled |
When Actual is enabled, the metric shown in the chart changes from a percentage of active users to an absolute number. This chart is based on the absolute number of users who have triggered one of the support buttons divided by the number of active users. The Fixed chart will present the adoption level as a percentage of unique active users with the Y-axis of the chart ranging from 0% to 100%. The Scaled chart shows the same metric as Fixed % but narrows the Y-axis of the chart in order to focus on the adoption levels shown. |
What information is shown in the report?
An accessed event is registered when the contact option is clicked in the Support Center. The Support Escalation Routes chart separates the contact options as:
- Accessed Email Support [1]: The user opens the email form.
- Submitted Email Request [2]: The user submits the email form.
- Accessed Phone Support [3]: The user accesses the phone support information.
- Requested Phone Number [4]: The user requests the phone support information.
- Accessed Chat Support [5]: The user accesses the chat support.