How do I add an attachment to a message in the Student app on my Android device?

You can send attachments in conversations messages using the Canvas Student app.

The images in this lesson are shown for a phone display, but unless otherwise noted, tablet displays mirror the same steps.

Open Inbox

Open Inbox

In the Navigation Bar, tap the Inbox icon.

Add Message

Add Message

Tap the Add icon.

Open Attachments

Open Attachments

Tap the Attachment icon.

Select Attachment Type

Select Attachment Type

To attach a new photo from your camera, tap the Camera icon [1]. To attach an existing photo on your Android device, tap the Gallery icon [2]. To attach a file from your device, tap the Device icon [3].

Note: To learn more about attaching a file from your device, view the Canvas Media Comparison resource document.

Take Photo

Take Photo

Tap the Camera icon.

Use Photo

Use Photo

If you want to re-take the photo, tap the Retake icon [1]. Otherwise tap the Checkmark icon [2].

Choose from Gallery

To select an existing photo, locate and select a photo from a photo gallery on your device.

Choose from Device

Choose from Device

To select a file saved on your device, locate and select a file from your device.

Add Attachment

Add Attachment

To add the attachment to the message, tap the OK link.

View Attachment

View Attachment

Attachments display at the bottom of your message. If you want to delete an existing attachment, tap the Delete icon for that attachment.

Send Message

Send Message

To add a message recipient, first select a course [1]. In the Subject field, enter the message topic [2]. In the Message field [3], enter your message. When you are ready to send your message, tap the Send icon [4].

Note: New messages will not appear in the Inbox on the Canvas Student app until there is a reply to the message, but you can view the message in your Sent folder. However, if you have an existing Inbox message with a recipient, the message will appear as part of the Inbox message thread.