How do I view Assignments in the Teacher app on my Android device?
The Teacher app helps you view and edit existing course assignments.
The images in this lesson are shown for a phone display, but unless otherwise noted, tablet displays mirror the same steps.
Note: If the assignment you are accessing displays differently, Assignment Enhancements may be enabled in your course. Currently, Assignment Enhancements is only partially supported by the app.
Open Course

In the Dashboard, tap the name of the course you'd like to view.
Open Assignments

Tap the Assignments link.
View Assignments

Assignments are organized by assignment group and due date [1].
If your course includes grading periods, you can also filter by grading period by tapping the Filter icon [2]. To search for an assignment, tap the Search icon [3].
Open Assignment

To view an assignment, tap the name of the assignment.
View Assignment

For each assignment, you can view all the details for the assignment including the title [1], points [2], due date [3], and submission type [4].
Manage Assignment

To edit the assignment, tap the Edit icon [1].
To view submissions for the assignment, tap the Submissions link [2].
Switch to Dark and Light Mode

When the app theme is set to Dark Mode, you can switch between the different modes in the assignment details by tapping the Switch to Dark Mode or Light Mode button.
Edit Assignment Details

To edit the assignment title, tap the Title field [1]. To edit the assignment description, tap the Description field [2]. You can use the Rich Content Editor to format description text.
To edit the point total, tap the Points field [3]. To edit how the grade is displayed to students, tap the Display Grade as field [4]. Display Grade options include Percentage, Complete/Incomplete, Points, Letter Grade, GPA Scale, and Not Graded.
If the assignment does not have any submissions, you can publish or unpublish the assignment by tapping the Publish button [5].
Edit Assignees

To edit who the assignment is assigned to, tap the Assign To field.
Add Assignees

Tap the sections [1], groups [2], or student [3] that you would like the receive the assignment. Selected assignees will display on the screen [4].
To save your assignees, tap the Save icon [5].
Edit Availability and Due Dates

To edit the assignment due date and time, tap the Due Date fields [1]. To edit the availability date and times, tap the Available From or Available To fields [2].
To add additional due dates or availability dates, tap the Add Due Date link [3].