How do I view Course Files in the Teacher app on my Android device?
In the Canvas Teacher app, you can view, manage, and edit your course files. You can also add new files and folders in the Teacher app.
When editing a file, you can manage published status and restrict access to students. This lesson shows the steps to edit and restrict access for individual files. The steps to manage published status and access for folders are the same.
The images in this lesson are shown for a phone display, but unless otherwise noted, tablet displays mirror the same steps.
Open Course

In the Dashboard, tap the name of the course you'd like to view.
Open Files

Tap the Files link.
View Files

Files will display all your course files and file folders. Unpublished files or folders display an empty Checkmark icon [1]. Published files or folders display a solid Checkmark icon [2]. Files or folders with restricted access display a Cloud icon [3].
To add a new file or folder to your course files, tap the Add button [4].
Open File

To open a file, tap the name of the file.
Search Files

You can search for any file in your course.
To open the search field, tap the Search icon.
Open File

To search for a file, type the file name in the search field [1]. To open the file, tap the name of the file [2].
- You must type three or more characters for search results to display.
- Search results will not include file folders.
View File

View your file.
Open in Another Application

If you attempt to open a file that cannot be displayed in the Teacher app, the file must be opened using another application. To select an application to open the file, tap the Open with... button.
View File Options

To view file options, tap the Options icon.
Open File Options

To edit the file, tap the Edit link [1].
To copy a link for the file, tap the Copy Link link [2].
Edit File

To edit the title of the file, tap the Title field [1] and enter the new title.
To edit the access settings for a file, tap the Access menu [2]. Your file access settings can be set to Publish [3], Unpublish [4], or Restricted Access [5].
To delete the file, tap the Delete File link [6].
Restrict Access

If you select Restricted Access in the Access menu, you can select how to provide access to the file.
The Only available to students with link option [1] makes the file available to students who are given a link to the file. The file will be hidden to students in Course Files.
The Schedule student availability option [2] gives students a window of time to view the file. If you select this option, the file can be viewed by students in Course Files as well as anywhere in Canvas (such as when the file is added to Modules or Assignments), but the file will be locked and they cannot view the actual file until the specified date.
Note: The Only available to students with link option only applies to Course Files; if you add this file to another area of Canvas, such as Assignments or Modules, all students can view the file.
Set Availability Dates

If you select the Schedule student availability option, you must select availability dates for the file. To set student availability dates, enter the starting date and time for the file to be available in the Available From fields [1]. If applicable, enter the date and time when students can no longer view the file in the Available Until fields [2]. The time fields are set using a 24-hour clock.
Note: The time fields are optional and will default to 12am if not selected.