Canvas Guides (English)Mobile Guides - Canvas Teacher Canvas Teacher Android GuideApp FeaturesHow do I view the To Do list in the Teacher app on my Android device?

How do I view the To Do list in the Teacher app on my Android device?

In the Teacher app, you can use the To Do list to view and grade ungraded submissions in all your courses. To Do list items include assignments, discussions, and quizzes.

Once you have graded all submissions in a To Do list item, that item will be removed from the list.

Note: The images in this lesson are shown for a phone display, but unless otherwise noted, tablet displays mirror the same steps.

Open To Do List

Open To Do List

In the Dashboard, tap the To Do icon [1]. If the icon includes a numbered badge [2], the badge displays the number of items that need grading for all assignments.

View To Do List

View To Do List

The To Do list shows the items that require grading in all of your courses. Each item displays the assignment title [1], course name [2], due date [3], and the number of items that require grading [4].

Assignments that are past the availability date display as Closed.

Open To Do Item

Open To Do Item

To begin grading submissions, tap the name of a To Do item.

Grade To Do Item

Grade To Do Item

Use SpeedGrader to grade the submissions.