Recent Updates

  • <p>Grouping outcomes in a course allows for organization of multiple related outcomes. </p>
  • <p>Once students complete a MasteryPaths assignment, you can view the breakdown of the mastery path ranges in the assignment. Each range includes a link that shows the number of students who scored in each range. You can view a specific student’s score for the MasteryPath assignment, view the student's submission, view the student's conditional content assignments, and send a message to the student.</p> <p><strong>Note:</strong> MasteryPaths is currently a course opt-in feature. To enable this feature, learn how to manage feature options in the <a href="../../4152/l/156575?data-resolve-url=true&amp;data-manual-id=4152" data-object-class="article" data-object-uuid="f480c333-e94b-4deb-9f1f-8f253414901c" data-object-manual-uuid="2E64DA50-E3D9-012F-D7C3-12313804AAC3" data-resolve-url="true" target="">course features</a> lesson. </p>
  • <p>Once you delete a course, the course will be completely removed from your institution's account and will not be viewable by you, prior students, or the account administrator. We do not recommend deleting courses (even concluded ones), especially if the course contains content and student data because you may need to access that information a later date.</p> <p>If you only want to remove the course from Courses &amp; Groups in the Global Navigation Bar, you can change the course end date, or conclude the course instead. </p> <p><strong>Note</strong>: Before you delete a course, make sure you have a record of your Course ID number in case you need to restore it. You can locate your Course ID number at the end of your course URL (i.e. </p>
  • <p>When a course is completed and you want to provide read-only access to the course, you may be able to conclude the course manually in Canvas. However, if your institution uses software that automatically concludes enrollments, you do not have to manually end your course since the end date of the course will automatically conclude the course on your behalf. </p> <p>When courses are manually concluded, all enrollments are removed from the course and placed in the prior enrollments page. All users in the course will have read-only access. This change applies to all enrollments, including course instructors. Instructor-based roles will no longer have the same access in the course and will result in loss of course functionality and user information, such as viewing SIS data. If full functionality is still required for instructors but you want to conclude the course for students, you can change the end date of the course. Please note that instructors can also change the course date for their courses.</p> <p>Once a course is concluded, if you do not want students to be able to view the course at all, you can <a href="../../4214/l/332318?data-resolve-url=true&amp;data-manual-id=4214" data-object-class="article" data-object-uuid="32838876-138b-421a-ae7a-f02c27021cbe" data-object-manual-uuid="2E9EF650-E3D9-012F-D7F2-12313804AAC3" data-resolve-url="true" target="">restrict students from viewing prior courses</a>.</p> <p><strong>Note:</strong> Manually concluding a course is a course permission. If the Conclude this Course button does not appear in Course Settings, this setting has been restricted for your course. If you are an instructor, contact your admin for assistance.</p> <p><strong>Note:</strong> You can <a href="../../4214/l/238004?data-resolve-url=true&amp;data-manual-id=4214" data-object-class="article" data-object-uuid="57593556-5997-480f-9aa8-a189532e1402" data-object-manual-uuid="2E9EF650-E3D9-012F-D7F2-12313804AAC3" data-resolve-url="true" target="">unconclude courses</a> if necessary.</p>