How do I manage permissions for Intelligent Insights?
How do I manage permissions for Intelligent Insights?
What account roles and permissions are available for Intelligent Insights?
1. Open Admin Accounts
In Global Navigation, click the Admin link.

2. Open Account
Then click the name of the account.

3. Open Permissions
In Account Navigation, click the Permissions link.

4. Open Account Roles
Click the Account Roles tab.

5. Open Intelligent Insights Permissions
Click the Intelligent Insights name to view all Intelligent Insights features.

6. View Account Admin Permissions
Account Admin is selected by default.

7. Manage Grouped Permissions
You can manage each granular permission within the feature with the corresponding checkboxes. To enable or disable a granular permission, click the checkbox. A checked box indicates the permission is enabled. An unchecked box indicates the permission is disabled.

8. All Permissions Enabled
If all permissions are enabled for a user role, the permission group displays a checkmark icon.

9. Some Permissions Enabled
If some permissions are enabled and some are disabled for a user role, the permission group displays a half-filled icon.

10. All Permissions Disabled
If all permissions are disabled for a user role, the permission group displays an X icon.

11. Manage Individual User Role Permissions
To add an account-level role or add a course-level role, view the tab for the appropriate role and click the Add Role button.

This guide covered how to manage permissions for Intelligent Insights.