How do I install the Canvas Credentials LTI in Canvas?

The Canvas Credentials LTI allows instructors to automatically award badges to students based on course requirements. A Canvas admin must enable developer keys for the account or subaccount in which the LTI is installed. A Canvas admin can install the LTI at the account or subaccount levels. An instructor can install the LTI at the course level.

Note: This guide provides steps for installing the Canvas Credentials LTI in an Instructure-hosted Canvas instance. If your Canvas instance is self-hosted, follow our guide for installing the Canvas Badges Groups LTI for self-hosted instances.

View Inherited Developer Keys

View inherited developer keys

In Account Navigation, click the Developer Keys link [1]. To view inherited keys, click the Inherited tab [2].

Show All Keys

Show All Keys

Scroll to the bottom of the list and click the Show All Keys button. Locate the Credentials API and LTI keys in the list.

Enable the API Key

Enable the Badgr API Key

To enable the Canvas Credentials API key [1], click the On toggle [2].

Confirm Key State

Confirm Key State

A prompt displays asking to confirm changing the key state. To confirm the change, click the OK button.

Enable Regional LTI Key

Enable Regional LTI Key

To enable the LTI key for your region, click the On toggle [1]. There are five options - Canvas Credentials AU [2], Canvas Credentials CA [3], Canvas Credentials EU/Ireland [4], Canvas Credentials US [5], and Canvas Credentials SG [6]. Select the LTI key for the same region you used to create your Canvas Badges account. You only need to enable one LTI key.

View App Configurations

View App Configurations

You can install the Canvas Credentials LTI at the account, subaccount, or course level. In Account or Course Navigation, click the Settings link [1]. Click the Apps tab [2]. To view app configurations, click the View App Configurations button [3].

Add App

Add App

Click the Add App button.

Enter Client ID

Installing the Badgr Groups LTI

In the Configuration Type dropdown, select the By Client ID option [1]. Type the client ID for your regional server into the Client ID field [2].

  • Canvas Credentials US - 170000000000727
  • Canvas Credentials EU - 170000000000728
  • Canvas Credentials AU - 170000000000730
  • Canvas Credentials CA -  170000000000729
  • Canvas Credentials SG - 170000000000822

Click the Submit button [3].

Note: If you attempt to install the LTI before enabling the API and LTI keys, you will encounter an error stating that the client ID is disabled.

Confirm Installation

Confirm Installation

When the Add App prompt appears, click the Install button.

View Installed LTI

View Installed LTI

If the LTI is installed at the account or subaccount level, the Credentials link displays in the Course Navigation for all courses in the account or subaccount. If the LTI is installed at the course level, the Credentials link displays in the Course Navigation for the course in which it is installed.

Note: The Credentials link displays in Course Navigation for LTI 1.3 users and all Blackboard users. Alternatively, the Badges link displays in Course Navigation for legacy LTI 1.1 users.

Connect LTI to Organization

After installation of the Canvas Credentials LTI is completed in Canvas, the LTI must be connected with your Canvas Credentials Organization before the LTI can be used to award badges. Refer to How do I connect a Canvas Credentials organization to the LTI as an organizational admin? to complete this process.