How do I access my Canvas Credentials Pathways and badges?
Users will need to create a Canvas Credentials account in order to access their backpack containing the badges and pathways they are subscribed to.
This article is for users who are subscribed to a pathway as badge recipients. For more information on creating a pathway, please see our article: How to create and edit a Canvas Credentials Pathway.
Once a user has been subscribed to a pathway, they'll receive an invitation email to join the group and subscribe to the pathway — once signed in to their account, they'll also see a notification. From the pathway subscription email, select the View pathway button. This will take you to the pathway where you can view your own progress. To interact with the pathway, select the Trust issuer link.
To access pathways that you subscribe to, sign in to your Canvas Credentials account and then select the My pathways option. At the top of this page, Subscribed pathways will show pathways that you have been subscribed to. Scrolling down to Pathway opportunities will display pathways that you have earned badges on but are not subscribed to.
If the pathway progress for a recipient doesn't show all the badges the recipient or issuer expects should be there, the recipient should ensure the badge is visible in their backpack. Contact support if progress is not up to date.
If badges are still not appearing on a pathway, please contact us.