How do I award badges to learners in Canvas Badges?
Once a badge has been awarded, the recipient's information cannot be edited. If a change to the recipient is needed after awarding a badge, issuers must revoke the badge and awarding it again with the correct recipient data.
Award Badge

Click the Award badge button.
Add Recipient Information

Add the recipient's identifier [1], the badge issue date [2] and, if necessary, the badge expiration date [3].
Add Narrative

Narrative text consists of personalized information about the badge from the issuer.
Note: Narratives are included in the Open Badge's metadata and can be viewed by anyone the badge is shared with.
Add Evidence

Evidence is proof that the earner satisfied the earning criteria required for the badge they received.
- Evidence URLs are included in the badge's metadata and and can be viewed by anyone the badge is shared with.
- For evidence items, each may include an external URL, a narrative or both. The narrative of each item often is used to describe what is found at the URL, so a student understands what the content is before viewing.