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  • You can use a Notes column in the Gradebook to keep track of extra information in your course, such as SIS IDs or just general student notes. The Notes column is not visible to students.

    Note: Instructors can only show and hide the Notes column. Admins can use the API to create additional columns, but they cannot be hidden. Additionally, the Notes column and any additional columns are not included in the Gradebook CSV export file.

  • You can use a Notes column in the Gradebook to keep track of extra information in your course, such as SIS IDs or just general student notes. The Notes column is not visible to students.

    Note: Instructors can only show and hide the Notes column. Admins can use the API to create additional columns, but they cannot be hidden. Additionally, the Notes column and any additional columns are not included in the Gradebook CSV export file.

  • You can use a Notes column in the Gradebook to keep track of extra information in your course, such as SIS IDs or just general student notes. The Notes column is not visible to students.

    Note: Instructors can only show and hide the Notes column. Admins can use the API to create additional columns, but they cannot be hidden. Additionally, the Notes column and any additional columns are not included in the Gradebook CSV export file.

  • The Gradebook Individual View allows instructors to assess one student and one assignment at a time. Fully accessible to screen readers, this Gradebook view allows instructors to sort by section and assignment and contains all the same settings that are available in the default Gradebook View (the view that shows all students in a course).

    If you are not familiar with the settings and other options in the Gradebook, click the feature links throughout this lesson to learn more about how the feature works in the default view.

    Like all Gradebook tabs, Individual View is persistent. Therefore, once you switch the Gradebook to Individual View, the Gradebook will always display in Individual View until it is switched back to the default view.

    Note: If your course includes multiple graders, please note that once you open the Gradebook, all existing Gradebook data is stored in the browser until the page is refreshed. Grades are not dynamically updated with any changes made by other graders in the Gradebook or in SpeedGrader.