Canvas Guides (English)ImpactImpact GuideCampaignsHow do I edit the target audience of a campaign in the Impact Dashboard?

How do I edit the target audience of a campaign in the Impact Dashboard?

You can access the campaign and edit the target audience assigned to it.

How do I edit the target audience of a campaign in the Impact Dashboard?

How do I edit the target audience of a campaign in the Impact Dashboard?

1. Open Campaigns

In Global Navigation, click the Campaigns link.

Open Campaigns

2. Open Campaign

From the All Campaigns tab, click the campaign to which you wish to add a target audience.

Open Campaign

3. Edit Properties

On the Campaign Details page, click the Edit Properties button.

Edit Properties

4. Edit Target Audience

You can change the audience by picking any combination of roles or individual users.

Edit Target Audience

5. Save Campaign

Once you have selected all target audiences, click the Save changes button.

Save Campaign

This guide covered how to edit the target audience of a campaign in the Impact Dashboard.