How do I start a collaboration in a group as a student?
You can create collaborations within your groups. Canvas defaults to using Google Docs. Google Docs allows you to add up to 50 users per collaboration, and all users can view and edit a document at the same time.
Depending on your institution's preference, you may be able to create a Google Drive collaboration or create a Microsoft Office 365 collaboration in groups as well.
Open Collaborations

In Group Navigation, click the Collaborations link.
Authorize Access

By default, the Collaborate using drop-down menu is set to Google Docs [1].
If you have not previously authorized a web tool access in Canvas, you may be prompted to authorize access. Click the Authorize Google Drive Access button [2].
Create Collaboration

To create a collaboration document using Google Docs, enter a document name in the Document name field [1], create a description [2], and click the names of the people you want to collaborate with [3].
Verify Collaborators

Verify the users you want to collaborate with [1].
To remove any user, hover your cursor over the user name and click the Remove icon [2].
Start Collaborating

Click the Start Collaborating button.