How do I edit a course page as a student?
The default setting in Canvas is to restrict editing of pages to instructors only. However, your instructor may allow you to edit a page in your course and contribute content to the page.
If you can edit a page, you can also view the history of a course page.
Open Pages

In Course Navigation, click the Pages link.
View Pages

Pages is designed to open to the front page for the course, if there is a front page selected. Click the View All Pages button to select a page from the Pages Index.
Edit Page

Click the Edit button.
Note: You will only see the Edit button if you are allowed to edit the page.
Edit Content
Edit the content on the page using the Rich Content Editor [1] or switch to HTML view to edit [2].
Save Changes

You can notify users that content has changed by selecting the Notify users that this content has changed checkbox [1]. Click the Save button [2].