How do I submit a self-assessment to an assignment using Enhanced Rubrics as a student?

If Assignment Enhancements is enabled in your course, you can view an assignment to verify your assignment submission.

If your instructors enable the self assessment, you can evaluate your work using the assignment’s attached rubric. Instructors can then view the self-assessment in SpeedGrader.

All file submissions also appear in your personal unfiled folder.


  • If the assignment you are accessing displays differently, Assignment Enhancements may not be enabled in your course or your instructor may not have used a supported assignment type.
  • Assignment Enhancements does not support Cloud Assignments.
  • Self-assessments do not have grades and cannot be assigned a separate deadline apart from the assignment's due date. You also cannot close them, which allows you the flexibility to complete the assignments at any time while they are open.

Open Assignments

Open Assignments

In Course Navigation, click the Assignments link.

Open Assignment

Open Assignment

Click the assignment name.

View Assignment Status

View Assignment Status

The Progress Tracker displays the assignment submission status. A successfully submitted assignment displays a Submitted status [1].

Additionally, you can view your most recent submission [2].

If you choose, you may resubmit another version of your assignment using the New Attempt button [3].

If you've submitted multiple assignment submissions, you can view previous submissions by clicking the Attempt drop-down [4].

If enabled by your instructor, the Self-Assess button displays [5].

To add an assignment comment for your instructor, click the Add Comment button [6].


  • If you're not able to resubmit work, your instructor may have limited the number of allowed submissions or the assignment may no longer be accepting submissions due to the assignment's availability dates.
  • Once you've submitted your work, the assignment will still display in the Assignments page and the Syllabus.

Assess the Assignment

Assess the Assignment.

Once you submit the assignment,  you can evaluate your own work using self assessment feature. Use the tray to assess the assignment.

Select your score [1], leave comments [2], and then click the Submit Assessment button [3].


  • You can submit incomplete assessments.
  • Once submitted, the assessment cannot be edited unless you resubmits the assignment.